Quartet No. 3 (1952) played by the Griller String Quartet:
Sidney Griller (violin) Jack O'Brien (violin) Philip Burton (viola) Colin Hampton (cello) on gramophone records
Talk by C. H. Waddington
C. H. Waddington comments on the account given by Professor C. D. Darling -ton in his recent book The Facts of Life of how the discoveries of modern generics affect our ideas about the nature of animals and human beings. The speaker is Professor of Animal Genetics in the University of Edinburgh.
Jean Doyen (piano)
Tenth of thirteen programmes devised and introduced by Edward Lockspeiser
A discussion between two modern translators,
E. V. Rieu , Litt.D. and the Rev. J. B Phillips
Dr. Rieu, editor of the Penguin Classics, has recently added to the Classics his own translation of the Four Gospels; he was already known as a vivid translator of Homer. The Rev. J. B. Phillips, Vicar of St. John's, Redhill, who has made a translation of the letters of the New Testament, Letters to Young Churches, has recently added to this a new translation of the Gospels, In this programme the two translators djscuss the principles on which they worked in translating the Gospels.
John Francis (flute)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conductor, Sir Malcolm Sargent
Part 1
2—The Empiricist Answer by Hugh Trevor-Roper
Part 2
A poem written and read by James Kirkup
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
George Malcolm (harpsichord)
Thus to a ripe consenting maid
Since from my dear Astraea's sight
Turn then thine eves No watch, dear CeMa
Here let my life (Ode: If ever I more riches did desire)
The Queen's Epicedium