Henry Holst (violin)
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Symphony No. 91, in E flat Haydn
6.23 app. Violin Concerto. Carl Nielsen
Haydn's Symphony No. 86: May 31
A talk by Charles Stuart on the opinions of composers on composers, from Schumann to Benjamin Britten
gives the first of sixteen recitals during which he will play all Beethoven's piano sonatas and the Diabelli Variations
A monthly review of cultural and political trends in the U.S.S.R.
A Visit to Moscow. April 1952
Talk by A. K. Cairncross
The speaker, who is Professor of Applied Economics in the University of Glasgow, attended the economic conference held last month in Moscow.
To be repeated on June 15
Frauenliebe und -Leben, Op. 4
Seit ich ihn gesehen; Er. der Herrlichster von Allen; Ich kann's nicht fassen; Du Ring an mcinem Finger; Helft mir, Ihr Schwestern; Susser Freund , du blickest; An meinem Herzen, an meiner Brust; Nun hast du mir den ersten Schmerz getan sung by Kathleen Ferrier (contralto) with John Newmark (piano) on gramophone records
As told by Pierce Peniless and now written by H. A. L. Craig
Concerto Grosso No. 14, in E minor,
Op. 6 No.
Organ Concerto No. 4, in F
Chandos Anthem No. 5a: I will magnify thee
Adele Leigh (soprano)
Max Worthley (tenor)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master. Leslie Woodgate )
David Willcocks (organ)
Martindale Sidwell (harpsichord)
The Welbeck Orchestra
(Leader, Vera Kantrovitch ) Conducted by Boris Ord
Fifth of a series of concerts each including an organ concerto and one of the first six Chandos anthems.
(Adele Leigh broadcasts by permission of the General Administrator, Royal Opera House Covent Garden, Ltd.)
Max Beloff , Reader in the Comparative Study of Institutions at Oxford University, reviews Sir Charles Webster 's latest work, The Foreign Policy of Palmerston, 1830-1841.' This is a study of Britain, the Liberal movement, and the eastern question. (The recorded broadcast of Nov. 20)
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Maurice Clare (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
(The recorded broadcast of July 31)