Adele Leigh (soprano)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
The Wigmore Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Terence MacDonagh (oboe)
Jack Brymer (clarinet)
Gwvdion Brooke (bassoon)
Dennis Brain (horn)
Maurice Clare (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Eugene Cruft (double-bass)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
Talk by Harvey Breit
Cor de Groot (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Eugene Goossens
Talk by Lord Kinross
The Arpa Cay. or Barley River, was once the frontier between Armenia and Georgia. Today it is the only place, except for a short frozen stretch in the far north of Norway, where the U.S.S.R. has a common frontier with an 'Atlantic ' country. Lord Kinross describes his visit to kc/s region of eastern Turkey last year.
Kathleen Ferrier (contralto)
Peter Pears (tenor)
Benjamin Britten (piano)
(Continued in next column)
(first broadcast performance)
No. 2
A monthly miscellany of new poetry and prose, edited and introduced by John Lehmann
Hallam Fordham and Denis McCarthy
To be repeated tomorrow at 6.15
A centenary portrait of Thomas Moore
Written and introduced by H. A. L. Craig
Symphony No. 1, in A minor played by the National Orchestra of the New Zealand
Broadcasting Service
Conducted by Michael Bowles
(Recording made available by courtesy of the National Broadcasting Service of New Zealand)
The People's Houses by Cleeve Barr
The speaker examines the specimen designs for council housing recently issued by the Ministry of Housing and Local Government.