by Lord Radcliffe of Werneth,
P.C., G.B.E.
1-On Plato's Idea of the State
In the first of seven lectures on problems of power in organised society Lord Radcliffe talks about the need for some political authority. As a first example he considers Plato's ideas on the function of government and the qualities required for leadership.
Phyllis Sellick (piano)
or * Metamorphoses ' of Apuleius by Louis MacNeice
For details see Wednesday at 9.5
(A new production of the programme originally broadcast in 1944)
Opera in three acts
The words by Dion Boucicault and John Oxenford
(Based on the former's drama
' The Colleen Bawn ')
Music by Sir Julius Benedict
Revised and adapted for radio by Dennis Arundell. Stanford Robinson The cast is as printed on Wednesday evening in all Home Services
Act 1: Near the Lake of Killarney about 1800. A summer evening
Talk by Sir Lewis Casson
At an actor, Sir Lewis Casson was associated with many of William Poel 's Shakespearean productions from the early years of the century onwards. Sir Lewis traces this influence on modern methods of presenting Shakespeare and poetic drama in general.
Act 2: Some days later
A story written and read by Edward Hyams
To be repeated on January 24
Act 3: Ten days later
Ormerod Greenwood talks about the recently published Oxford Dictionary of Nursery Rhymes edited by lona and Peter Opie , and English Riddles from Oral Tradition edited by Archer Taylor
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 25)
Consort of Viols of the Schola Cantorum Basiliensis:
August Wenzinger (treble viol)
Marianne Majer (tenor viol)
Hannelore Müller (tenor viol)
Gertrud Fltigel (tenor viol)