by William Shakespeare
The Koeckert Quartet:
Rudolf Koeckert (violin)
Willi Buchner (viottin)
Oskar Riedl (viola) Josef Merz (cello)
See also Tuesday at 6.0
by Jean Seznec ,
Professor of French Literature in the University of Oxford
Third of four talks in which foreign scholars discuss the place of Vergil in the cultural life of their respective countries. Last talk: Wednesday
Sinfonia to Church Cantata No. 150
Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich
Mass in A
Margaret Ritchie (soprano) Kathleen Joyce (contralto)
Rene Soames (tenor)
Bruce Boyce (baritone) Charles Spinks (organ)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
BBC Chorus
(Chorus-Master, Leslie Woodgate )
The Welbeck Orchestra (Leader, Vera Kantrovitch )
Conducted by Walter Goehr
Mass in G minor: December 9
The Landscape of Castile
First of two talks by V. S. Pritchett
(The recorded broadcast of Nov. 24)
Second talk: Saturday
The Wigmore Ensemble:
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Maurice Clare (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Marie Korchinska (harp)