The Fairhurst Trio:
Harold Fairhurst (violin)
John Moore (cello)
Reginald Paul (piano)
Biological Improvement:
The Second Evolutionary Equation
Third of six lectures by Julian Huxley , F.R.S.
Margaret Field-Hyde (soprano)
Alfred Deller (counter-tenor)
Rene1 Soanies (tenor)
Alfred Hepworth (tenor) Gordon Clinton (baritone)
Norman Walker (bass)
South London Bach Society
(Conductor, Paul Steinitz ) Basil Lam (harpsichord)
Geraint Jones (organ)
Philharmonia Orchestra
(Leader. Manoug Parikian)
Conducted by Anthony Lewis
(Continued in next column)
Confitemini Domino
Deutsches Magnificat
Ich will den Herren loben allezeit Fili mi Absalom
Sei gegrusst
Maria Anima mea. liquefacta est
Adjure vos, filiae Jerusalem
Saul. Saul, was verfolgst du mich? Cantate Domino
First of five programmes of music by forerunners and contemipories of Bach, edited by Norman Stone
Music by Buxtehude: November 7
This series of programmes will cover the period from the birth of Schütz in 1585 to that of Bach and Handel a hundred years later. Beginning with Schiitz, the founder of the North German school of composition which culminated in these two great masters, it will continue with other outstanding composers of the period, Buxtehude, Scheldt, and Schein. The final programme will reproduce a typical example of a concert given in the Marienkirche at Liibeck in the famous series called Abuzdmusiken. N.S.
by Ernst Robert Curtius , Professor of Romance Languages and Literature, University of Bonn
First of four talks in which foreign scholars discuss the importance of Vergil in the cultural life of their respective countries
Fantasy in F minor, Op. 49
Sonata in B flat minor. Op. 35 played by France Ellegaard (piano)
Chopin Mazurkas : Saturday followed by an inrtenlude at 9.25
by Sir John Vanbrugh
Adapted for broadcasting by Ronald Simpson
Quartet in G played by Edward Walker (flute) Julian Bream (guitar) Eileen Grainger (viola)
Bernard Richards (cello)