Halina Stefanskia (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, Charles Groves
Talk by F. A. Voigt
General impressions of contemporary German literature, with some comments on novels, theological books, and poetry of outstanding merit published since the war
Elisabeth Schwarzkopf
Ernest Lush (piano)
The New London Quartet:
Erich Gruenberg (violin)
Lionel Bentley (violin)
Keith Cummings (viola) Douglas Cameron (cello)
From the Italienisches Liederbuch:
Auch kleine Dinge konnen uns entzticken; Wer rief dich denn; O wär' dein Haus durchsichtig wie ein Glas; Mein Liebster hat zu Tische mich geladen; Heut' Nacht erhob ich mich; Ihr jungen Leute
Italian Serenade, for string quartet
From the Italienisches Liederbuch:
Wenn du mein Liebster; Was soil der Zorn mein Schatz?: Mein Liebster singt: Nein, junger Herr; Du denkst mit einem Fadchen mich zu fangen: Ich hab' in Penna einen Liebsten wohnen
Literacy and Welfare by Marjorie Stewart
An examination of the place of literacy in development, and the special problem of providing incentives to literacy in undeveloped communities
by Jean Cocteau
Adapted for radio from the English translation of W. H. Auden with Gabrielle Blunt
Howieson Culff Joan Hart. Dorothy Smith
Margaret Vines , Marjorie Westbury
(Prior to a Group Theatre production)
Produced by Peter Watts
The London Singers :
Jean-Buck, Alison Purvea
Dora Hanes
Norman Lilly. William Brown
Victor Harding
Director, Norman Lilly
The London Consort of Viols:
Harry Danks (treble viol)
Stanley Wootton (treble viol)
Jacqueline Townshend (tenor viol)
Sylvia Putterill (tenor viol)
Henry Revell (bass viol)
The poem by Christina Rossetti
Read by Edana Romney
Production by D G Bridson