Helga Mott (soprano)
Frederick Stone (accompanist)
Kantrovitch Trio:
Vera Kantrovltch (violin)
Lilly Phillips (cello)
Hilda Bor (piano)
Folk Songs:
Da unten im Tale; Mean Madei hat einen Rosenmund ; Erliaube mir. fein's Mἅdchen ; Wie komm ich deun zur Ttir herein
Piano Trio in C minor. Op. 101
Songs :
Auf dem See; Bei dir sind meine Gedanken; An ein Veilchen; Das Madchen spricht; Das Madchen
Piano Quartet in G minor: May 25
by Ernst Schnabel
Translated from the German by David Porter
Characters in order of speaking:
Scene: In the imaginary township of San Ignacio, Mexico. Time: 1945
Produced by E. A. Harding
Opera in three acts
Libretto by Gabriela Preissova
English version by Vida Harford
Music by Janacek
BBC Opera Chorus
(Trained by Alan G. Melville )
BBC Opera Orchestra (Leader. John Sharpe )
Conducted by Rafael Kubelik
Repetiteur, Vida Harford
Scene: A mountain village in Moravia &t the end of the nineteenth cemtury
Act 1
In front of a small mill. Evening
Robert Fumeaux Jordan reviews the Lutyens Memorial Volumes
These four volumes dealing with the life and work of the late Sir Edwin Lutyens are edited by A. S. G. Butler , Chrtstophier Huss-ey . George Stewart
Act 2
The living-room of Mother Buryja 's cottage. Six months later
Political Advance
Talk by C. R. Niven , Senior Resident of Plateau Province
The speaker examines some of the historical and other factors that make the political scene in Nigeria peculiarly complicated.
Second of three talks on Nigeria
Act 3
The same as Act 2. Two months later
or ' The Schoolfellows '
A poem by William Allingham real by Sir Arthur Gritnble
Fifteen Three-part Symphonies
(Inventions) played by Denise Lassimonne (piano)
A talk by John Mason Brown