Margaret Field-Hyde (soprano)
Ceinwen Rowlands (soprano) Marjorie Thomas (contralto) George Rizza (counter-tenor)
John Kentish (tenor)
Henry Cummings (baritone)
Owen Brannigan (bass)
Thurston Dart (harpsichord)
Covent Garden Chorus
Douglas Robinson )
The Boyd Neel Orchestra
(Leader, Maurice Clare )
Conducted by Constant Lambert
Occam and Scientific Thought by F. G. Young F.R.s., Sir William Dunn Professor of Biochemistry in the University of Cambridge
Third of four talks
(Concert continued)
Masque In Diociesian'
Third of four concerts arranged under the direction of Anthony Lewis
A group of talks examining some aspects of the influence of the U.S.A. on European life and thought
1-The Political and Cultural Influence by Bertrand Russell
Griller String Quartet:
Sidney Griller (violin) Jack O'Brien (violin) Philip Burton (viola) Colin Hampton (cello)
First of six recitals by the Griller String Quartet
by S. N. Behrman
Adapted from the French of Jean Giraudoux
Music composed and directed by John Hotchkis
Adaptation and production by E. J. King Bull
Cast in order of speaking:
An entertainment for speaking voice and seven instruments
Poems byEdith Sitwell
Music by William Walton
Speaker. Constant Lambert Edward Walker (flute)
Bernard Walton (clarinet)
Wilfred Hambleton (bass clarinet)
Walter Lear (alto saxophone)
Harold Jackson (trumpet) James Blades (percussion)
Raymond Clark (cello)
Conducted by Leighton Lucas
by Geoffrey Taylor
Geoffrey Taylor talks about the invention of the lawn-mower in 1831, and its effect on the nineteenth century's attitude to 'green grass kept finely shorn.'