Janet Fraser (mezzo-soprano)
Frederick Grinke (violin)
Ambrose Gauntlett
(viola da gamba)
James Whitehead (cello)
Arnold Goldsb rough (harpsichord) Sonata in A minor, for violin, viola da gamba. and continuo
Jubilate Domino: Cantata for alto, viola da gamba, and continuo
Sonata In E minor, for violin, viola da gamba. and continuo
1 — Dante's View of the Universe
Herbert Butterfield , Professor of Modem History in the University of Cambridge, gives the first of sixteen talks by various speakers on the origins and results of the ' Scientific Revolution,' which culminated in the 17th century
This series is being broadcast for Schools in the Home Services (not Scottish) during autumn 1949 and spring 1950. The original programmes form part of the weekly series Talks for Sixth Forms,' and are intended for members both of the Science Sixth and the Arts Sixth in secondary schools. The talks are to be repeated each week in the Third Programme.
Wind Ensemble of the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra:
Hans Reznicek , Franz Schlaf (flutes)
Hans Kamesch , Hans Hadamovsky
Leopold Wlach , Franz Bartoschek
Karl Oehlberger , Ernst Pamperl and Otto Schieder (bassoons)
Gottfried Freiberg. Leopold Kainz Josef Lackner , Josef Keller (horns)
New production of an extended series of adaptations from Geoffrey Chaucer 's poem in fourteen weekly Instalments
Arranged for broadcasting by Nevill Coghlll
14-The Canon's Yeoman's Tale
Production by Stephen Potter
Opera in two acts by Benjamin Britten
Libretto by Ronald Duncan after Andre Obey 's play
' Le Viol de Lucrece '
Cast in order of singing:
The English Opera Group
Chamber Orchestra
(Leader, Manoug Parikian)
Conducted by Norman Del Mar
Produced by Eric Crozier
Act 1
Scene 1: The generals' tent at their camp 'outside Rome
Interlude: The Ride to Rome
Scene 2: Lucretia's house In Rome.
The same evening
by A. P. Ryan
Patrick Ryan puts forward some ideas on the use and future of the middle classes-whose present condition was examined in a recent book by Angus Maude and Roy Lewis
Act 2
Scene 1: Lucretia's bedroom. The same night
Interlude: A Chorale
Scene 2: Lucretia's house. The following morning
Written by himself, 1731
Reader, D. A. Clarke-Smith
Nine Preludes, Op. 103 played by John Simons (piano)
Mary Scrutton , Lecturer in Philosophy at Reading University, reviews Arthur Koestler 's new book ' Insight and Outlook '