by Bertrand Russell
' Control and Initiative:
Their Respective Spheres'
Fifth of a series of six lectures, which are being published in The Listener
A programme of unusual music
Devised by Humphrey Searle
Introduced by Spike Hughes
Talk by Richard Kahn , University Lecturer in Economics at Cambridge and Bursar of King's College
He considers the country's long-term economic difficulties, and suggests that the Four-Year Plan fails to provide an adequate solution
Prelude and Fugue in E minor Chaconne In C minor
Prelude and Fugue in F sharp minor played by Geraint Jones (organ)
From St. Mark's, North Audley Street
Some Vulgar Fractions.
With Robert Beatty, Benny Lee, Bruce Belfrage, Patricia Hayes, Harry Secombe, Peter Sellers, Michael Bentine, Benny Hill, Carole Carr, Margaret Lindsay, Robert Moreton, George Mitchell's Choir, Vic Lewis and his Orchestra, Strings under Reg Leopold
Anne Wood (contralto)
Ren6 Soames (tenor)
Emanuel Hurwitz (violin)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Vedic Hymns (First group) Things lovelier
Three songs for voice and violin:
Jesu sweet now will I sing to thee; My soul has naught but fire and ice; My leman is so true
Now in these fairylands A little music Betelgeuse
Script by Hugh Ross Williamson
Edited and produced by Robert Gittings
Harry Isaacs Trio
Hirsch String Quartet
James Whitehead (cello)
Selections from W. B. Yeats , Robert Graves , Laura Riding , and W. H. Auden
Readers: Harry Hutchinson
Michael Forbes , Simona Pakenham
Produced by James McFarlan