ANTONIO BROSA (Violin); Livio MANUCCI (Violoncello) ; JOHN PAUER (Pianoforte)
ALTHOUGH nobody, considering the question in cold detachment, could be quite sure which of tho two splendid Trios by Schubert is his favourite, most people are quite certain, while actually hearing one or other, that it is not only the finer of the two, but among the best chamber music in existence. In the present age of hurry, when nobody has time to spare, it is sometimes criticized as being too long and too full of repetitions. But all of it is so splendidly melodious, so full of all the grace and charm which Schubert, almost more than any other master, knows how to give us, that few would wish to have it shortened.
The bold, sweeping tune, with which it opens, is irresistible, and so is the laughing gaiety of most of the last movement; tho other two, each in its way, form real contrasts with what goes before and comes after, and, in spite of its length, the Trio has a wonderful sense of compactness.