(35G.3 m. Vision ; 261.3 m. Sound)
(Section E)
ANTONIA BUTLER (Violoncello)
THE amount of work that Schubert got through in 1815 is truly amazing. He was only eighteen, a mere boy, and during the day he was pretty fully occupied as a school teacher ; yet ho found time during that year to write two symphonies, five operas, dozens of smaller works and no less than 146 songs.
It is a pity that the Third Symphony is not more often performed, for though not strikingly original—Schubert was naturally under strong influences at the time-it is brightly scored and its melodies lastingly fresh. It was written in about six weeks, sandwiched in between one can only guess how many other compositions and his duties at the school. The power of Schubert's untiring genius leaves one gasping.