Opening Music:
Handel's Concerto Grosso
9.35 RELIGIOUS SERVICE for Primary Schools
Prayer and Response (7)
Jesus, good above all other (S.P.
540. D.S. 125. P.H. 59, P.H.J. 114. all omitting v. 4; BBC Supplement 3: Tune, Quem pastores laudavere —S.P. 540)
Interlude: Where love is, God is Prayer and Responses (6)
Thou who wast rich beyond all splendour (Printed in Notes for the Teacher: Tune, Fragrance)
Closing Music
Last Thursday's recorded broadcast in the Home Service
Today the postman brings Madame Cambon a registered letter and a pleasant surprise.
Listeners are invited to answer questions and to sing 'Quand j'etais chez mon pere' with Pierre Lefevre
Script by Emile Harven
Early Stages in French series
For enthusiasts of all ages THE CONCERTO
First of two illustrated talks by Roger Fiske on Beethoven's Violin Concerto
A series of twenty readings in prose and verse
9: Poems by Alexander Pushkin selected and read by Dimitri Obolenaky who has written the English introduction read by Peter Norman Other recorded voices:
0. Tchuvaeva, V. Funtikova
Mikhail Astangov , Vsevolod Aksenov Production by Ariadne Nicolaeff
Postponed from February 27
The ten verse readings, which continue next week, are based on the Penguin
The Future of Farming
Sir Richard Nugent , M.P., and T. F. Peart , M.P., discuss the prospects for British agriculture
Chairman, James Murray
Produced by George Sigsworth
Introduced by John Lade
Building a Library Retrospect: Debussy's La Mer by Edward Lockspeiser
A new version of Strauss's Salomi reviewed by Andrew Porter
See facing page
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the Condon Stock Market closing report