A weekly series designed for enthusiasts of all ages who wish to extend their understanding and enjoyment of music.
Musical Fashions
Illustrated talk by Donald Hughes
Introduced by Charles Crichton
In this edition:
Pre-stressed Concrete: HARRY KAYLOR. M.I. struct.E., M.mst.c.E., M.SOC.C.B, (France), a consulting engineer, explains the principle of pre-stressed concrete and describes some of the ways in which it can be used
The Windowless Factory: G. D. NASH of the Building Research Station is interviewed on this new development; recordings made with the staff of a windowless factory at Slough show how the system works in practice
News of the Week: by William Bryant and other items of technical and topical. interest
A monthly series edited by Bob Spencer and Maxwell Knight
John Clegg talks about the formation of county Naturalists' Trusts, their aims and how they function
Ian Linn describes some recent work on the food of weasels which suggests that their value in controlling the number of small rodents may have been underestimated
Garth Pettitt discusses the problem of establishing a bird observatory on a remote island off the Irish coast
Bob Spencer reports on recent bird movements and ringing recoveries under the B.T.O. scheme
Produced by Winwood Reade
Today's overseas commodity and financial news, and the London Stock Market closing report