from page 61 of ' New Every Morning
from the Chiswick Empire
(Soloist, Stan Farnsworth)
When the Guards go marching - Kalman, arr. Borchert
Suite, Faust Ballet Music - Gounod, arr. Winters
Hungarian Medley - Somers
Piccolo solo, The Comet - Brewer
Ring of the Castagnets - Richartz, arr. Borchert
Parade of the Dwarfs - Noack, arr. Weninger
Selection from Popular Musical Comedies - arr. Harry Fryer
Phil the Fluter's Ball - arr. Somers
by Norman Andrew from the Town Hall, Manchester
with * Betty Drew
A reading from the novel by Arnold Bennett , arranged for broadcasting by E. G. Twitchett , and read by Hugh Miller. Final instalment
(From Midland)
Leader, J. Mouland Begbie
Conductor, Guy Warrack
An Italian Programme
Philharmonic Choir, conducted by Charles K. Scott ; soloist, Elsie Suddaby (soprano): Kyrie and Gloria (Mass in G) (Schubert)
Leeds Festival Choir, conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bart.: Moses and the children of Israel. But as for his people (Israel in Egypt) (Handel)
Bayreuth Festival Chorus and Orchestra, conducted by Karl Muck : Chorus of Flower Maidens (Parsifal) (Wagner)
Choir of St. Thomas' Church,
Leipzig, conducted by Karl Straube : For thee Jehovah are our praises, let everything that hath breath praise the Lord (from motet, Sing ye to the Lord) (Bach)
BBC Choral Society, conducted by Leslie Woodgate : How lovely are the messengers. Happy and blest are they (St. Paul) (Mendelssohn)
Sheffield Choir, conducted by Sir
Henry Coward : The heavens are telling (The Creation) (Haydn)
from Claridge's Hotel (Violoncello solo played by GEIGER)
by Georg von Harten
Gramophone records of tunes for all tastes
Devised by Ernest Dudley
by L. Charles Douthwaite
Superintendent ' Old Man ' Rivers,
Commanding the Yukon Division of Royal Canadian Mounted Police
Corporal Bennet, Divisional Clerk
Inspector Grant, Second - in - Command
Constable Adam Warden , an English recruit
A Quartermaster-Sergeant Hungry Hail, an Indian
Singing Voice, Hungry Hail's little son
Leader of Indian Chorus
The production by Howard Rose
The Cecilian Trio
including Weather Forecast
' Laying a garden path'
W. P. Matthew
A Musical Comedy by Herbert Clayton and Jack Waller. Lyrics by Douglas Furber , R. P. Weston , and Bert Lee. Music by John Hope. Adapted for the microphone by Reginald Burston and Martyn C. Webster
Tradesmen, guests, etc.
The Midland Revue Chorus
The Midland Revue Orchestra
Leader, Norris Stanley
Conductor, Reginald Burston
Production by Martyn C. Webster
(From Midland)
' Virginia ' was broadcast in the Regional programme on Wednesday
Dancing tonight to the music of Alvin Saxon and his Band
Admission by radio only
at Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
The Grinke Trio:
Frederick Grinke (violin)
Florence Hooton (violoncello)
Kendall Taylor (pianoforte)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(ninety players)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by SIR HENRY J. WOOD
Concerto in C, for pianoforte, violin, violoncello, and orchestra
1 Allegro. 2 Largo. 3 Rondo alia polacca
9.2 Symphony No. 7, in A
1 Poco sostenuto-Vivace. 2 Allegretto. 3 Presto-Presto meno assai. 4 Finale: Allegro con brio
Tickets can be obtained from the British Broadcasting Corporation,
Broadcasting House, Portland Place, W.1, Messrs. Chappell's Box Office,[address removed], and the usual Agents. Prices : Is. 6d., 6s., 5s. (reserved), 3s. (unreserved). Promenade (payment at doors only) 2s.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
' Lost in the Sahara '
A. E. Filby
Among the adventures so far described in this exciting series have been Captain Dingle's story of being cast away on a desert island, J. L. Longland 's experiences in a Mount Everest blizzard, Edwin Heath 's account of his capture by South Sea island cannibals, Captain Norman Macmillan 's experiences when he was adrift on a sea plane- float in the Bay of Bengal for two days and nights without food and water, and Sir Alan Cobham 's adventures in fog over the Adriatic.
Tonight's story has an African setting. A. E. Filby , who has travelled extensively in the lesser-known parts of Africa, was involved two years ago in a highly disagreeable adventure in the Sahara. While making the journey between two forts of the Foreign Legion, he and a companion were overtaken by a desert sandstorm which completely obliterated all landmarks. They were held up for a considerable time and, but for several pieces of good fortune, might not have won through.
The first part of the Oratorio by C. P. E. Bach (1714-1788)
English translation by Walther Gruner
Noel Eadie (soprano)
Kate Winter (soprano)
Heddle Nash (tenor)
Norman Walker (bass)
The BBC Chorus
(Section B)
Chorus Master, Leslie Woodgate
The BBC Orchestra
(Section C)
Led by Marie Wilson
Conducted by Reginald Jacques
with Shirley Lenner
, at 11.30
on gramophone records