from page 29 of 'New Every Morning'
Jean Laird Bruce (contralto)
John Francis (flute)
Millicent Silver (pianoforte)
(First Performance)
at the Organ of the Granada,
Welling Selection of Today's Dance Music
The Septiman
Conductor, Sven Skeld from Stockholm
Surrey v. Lancashire and Sussex v. Yorkshire
Commentaries on the play by E. W. Swanton from Kennington Oval, and P. G. H. Fender from the County
Ground, Hove
Led by Ernest Element
Conductor. W. K. Stanton
The Crazy Fiddler with Harry Evans at the piano
(West of England)
Leader, John MacArthur
Conductor, Horace Fellowes
Mary Ferrier (soprano)
(From Scottish)
on gramophone records
from St Paul's Cathedral
Order of Service:
Psalms cxlvii-cl
Lesson, Jeremiah xliv, 15 to end
Magnificat (Marchant, in C)
Lesson, John ii
Nunc Dimittis (Marchant, in C)
Anthem, Let all the word (Ley) (Words: Hymn, A. and M. 548)
Hymn, God that madest earth and heaven (E.H. 268)
Thirty minutes of sweet music on gramophone records
Surrey v. Lancashire and Sussex v. Yorkshire
Commentaries on the play by E. W. Swanton from Kennington Oval, and P. G. H. Fender from the County
Ground, Hove
including Weather Forecast
William Parsons (baritone)
Arnold Richardson (organ) from the Concert Hall, Broadcasting
Dave Frost and his Band
(Arrangements by Claude Grant ) with Marjorie Stedeford
Les Arthur
Clifford Bean and Renee de Vaux
at Queen's Hall, London
(Sole Lessees, Messrs. Chappell and Co. Ltd.)
Antonio Brosa (violin)
Emanuel Feuermann (violoncello)
The BBC Symphony Orchestra
(ninety players)
Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by SIR HENRY J. WOOD
Academic Festival Overture
8.14 Concerto in A minor, for violin, violoncello, and orchestra
1 Allegro. 2 Andante. 3 Vivace non troppo
Solo violin, ANTONIO BROSA
Solo violoncello, EMANUEL FEUERMANN
Tickets can be obtained from the British Broadcasting Corporation, Broadcasting House, Portland Place, W.1, Messrs. Chappell 's Box Office, Queen's Hall, Langham Place, W.1, and the usual Agents. Prices : 7s. 6d., 6s., 5s. (reserved), 3s. (unreserved). Promenade (payment at doors only) 2s.
Lord Marshmallow, taking advantage of the favourable rate of exchange and the general amnesty granted by the French Government, on the occasion of the recent Royal cementing of the Entente Cordiale, has quitted Hogsnorton and Merrie England for la belle France, where he is assisting a complete rapprochement between the countries by going into residence at the. Villa Marchemalo at Sur-les-Rochers in the Pasde-Monnaie, from which place a talk on the holiday of his gallant and-temporarily-Gallic friend will be given by Mr. Gillie Potter
Powis Pinder's 'Sunshine' from the Summer Theatre
H. Terry Wood's 'After Dinner'
Devised and staged by Hastings Mann from the Pier Casino
Introduced by Harry S. Pepper from Shanklin
Powis Pinder's 'Sunshine' Company, which broadcast in the 1936 series of 'Shows from the Seaside', is now in its seventeenth year at the Summer Theatre, Shanklin. Arthur Askey was for some years their principal comedian, but he has gone to the Fol-de-Rols who have exchanged him for Richard Hassett, whom listeners heard in the Eastbourne portion of the 'Round the Fol-de-Rols' relay in 1937. Another radio name, also an Island favourite, is Mario de Pietro, the well-known mandoline and banjo player.
H. Terry Wood's 'After Dinner' party, now in their third successful season on Shanklin Pier, were the first seaside show to be televised from Alexandra Palace in 1937 and paid a return visit to the television studio earlier this year. The principal comedian is Tommy Trinder, who made an immediate success on his radio debut in Music-Hall last spring.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
played by The Menges String Sextet:
Isolde Menges (violin)
Beatrice Carrelle (violin)
John Yewe Dyer (viola)
Alfred de Reyghere (viola)
Ifor James (violoncello)
Bernard Richards (violoncello) with Irene Richards (violin) and Ruth Pearl (violin)
Jack White and his Collegians
Alex. Freer and his Band both from the Astoria Dance Salon
Gramophone records of swing music