Ⓓ From page 53 of 'New Every Morning'
at the Organ of the Ritz Cinema, Belfast
Ⓓ History in the Making: Empire Air Mail
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Ⓓ by A. L. Phillips
The Bishop of Downchester
Janet , his sister
Henry Blunt , his twin brother
William, the butler
Mrs Wilson , the housekeeper
Time, A week before the Derby
The production by Howard Rose
(Empire Programme)
Ⓓ Syncopating Pianist
(From Midland)
Round the Countryside
' Early Nests and Eggs'
It is probable that there is no greater thrill to the average child than the finding of a bird's nest. Nor need the thrill be predatory. Just to see the lovely colour of the eggs is enough--there is no need to take one. Few seeing in the hedgerow the bright eye of the mother thrush. her beak uplifted above her speckled breast, as she sits on her eggs, will disturb her if they use their imaginations. She has enough enemies in the shape of cats, and trusts boys and girls to leave her alone.
Today Mr. Gaddum is to talk about the first signs of nesting. The sparrow goes house-hunting, and there is activity in the rookery. He will describe the rebuilding of new nests, the choosing of new sites, and the first nests to be found in the open fields.
' Beautiful and Ugly Words'
ALFRED CAVE (violin)
Led by Ernest Element
Conductor, W. K. STANTON
Overture, Hebrides, Op. 26
Concerto for Violin (Slow Movement), Op. 64
Scherzo and Wedding March (A
Midsummer Night's Dream),
Op. 61
(From Midland)
presented by Susan Strong
The object of this series is to bring to the microphone some of the old singers of the Golden Age who are still with us, not to sing of course, but to tell us something of their great contemporaries who have passed away. Records made by their contemporaries in their prime will then be played.
Last week F. H. Grisewood told listeners something about the living nightingales who are to broadcast these little talks. The star to come to the microphone today is a dramatic soprano who far many years appeared in leading Wagnerian rôles as well as in many Italian operas. Susan Strong was a pioneer in singing the difficult excerpts from Wagner all over the British Isles.
including Weather Forecast
6.20 Weekly Bulletin of Special
Notices connected with Government and other Public Services
Light Music by British Composers
at the BBC Theatre Organ with Alfredo Campoli
' Diet and Digestion ' by a Harley Street Physician
(Section E)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Julius Harrison
Henry Hoist (violin)
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
' Education '
James B. Conant ,
President of Harvard University
(From America)
Part 3-' Jests in Character '
Devised by M. Willson Disher and produced by George Barker in which Bransby Williams will recall famous idols of the halls whom he numbered among his friends.
They will be impersonated in vocal mimicry by: Ray Wallace
Ada Cerito
Ben Osborne and Vernon Watson while Charles Shadwell will conduct the BBC Variety Orchestra
See the article by M. Willson Disher on page 15
Virtuoso String Quartet, Cockerill
(harp), Murchie (flute), Draper (clarinet): Introduction and Allegro for harp, strings and woodwind
Martial Singher (baritone), with . Orchestra conducted by Piero Coppola : Don Quichotte a Dulcinee. Chanson romantique. Chanson epique. Chanson a boir
The Walther Straram Orchestra , conducted by Philippe 'Gaubert: Daphnis et Chloe-Suite No. 2. Dawn of Day, Pantomime ; Danse
Directed by Sydney Lipton with CHIPS CHIPPENDALL, THE
THREE T's, and AL BOWLLY from Grosvenor House, Park Lane
Half-an-hour's gramophone records for dancers only