From page 33 of ' New Every Morning '
for Farmers and Shipping
Andres Segovia (guitar): Courante
(Bach). Sonatina in A — Allegretto (Torroba). Tremolo Study (Tarrega). Fandanguillo (Turina)
French for Older Pupils
A travers champs
Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Peter Montgomery
Harry Sharpe (baritone)
Conductor, William Pethers from the Hippodrome Theatre, Coventry
Commentaries on the play in both matches will be given by Howard Marshall from Horsham Cricket Ground,
Sussex and P. G. H. Fender from Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff
A programme of gramophone records
Lily Pons (soprano)
Michael Bartlett (tenor)
Grace Moore (soprano)
by Harry Dorman
(From Glasgow)
from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Servfte
Psalms xlvii-xlix
Lesson, I Samuel xxviii, 3-end
Magnificat (7. E. Hunt in E flat) Lesson, Matthew v, 1-16
Nunc Dimittis (7. E. Hunt in E flat)
Anthem, Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, ever-blessed Lord God Almighty
0 Holy, Holy, Holy God, in three
Persons: blessed Trinity.
Saints and Martyrs bless and praise
Angels and Archangels praise Thee, singing:
Heaven and earth are full of Thy great glory,
Glory be to Thee, 0 Lord.
Glory be to God in the highest,
Glory be to God the Father, Glory to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
(Words edited and adapted by A. M. Henderson )
Hymn, When all Thy mercies, 0 my
God (A. and M. 517)
Commentaries on the play in both matches will be given by Howard Marshall from Horsham Cricket Ground,
Sussex and P. G. H. Fender from Cardiff Arms Park, Cardiff
Directed by Henry Hall
including Weather Forecast
Marcel A. Ruff
A comedy in three acts by Hubert Griffith
Adapted from the German of Paul Vulpius
The action takes place in an office in the London and Metropolitan Bank. One week elapses between Acts 1 and 2, three weeks between
Acts 2 and 3 Characters in order of speaking (By permission of London Film Productions. Ltd.)
Lord Farley, Chairman of the City
Industrial Bank.....H. 0.
Nicholson Roberts , of the Board of Trade
Malcolm Graeme
Produced by M. H. Allen
'Youth at the Helm ' will be repeated in the Regional programme tomorrow at 8.50
' What the Composer Expects from the Listener'
Sir Donald Tovey
(Section C)
Led by Laurance Turner
Conducted by Julian Clifford
In the summer of 1879 Rimsky-Korsakov wrote a string quartet entirely based on Russian folk tunes, the movements being entitled respectively : ' In the Fields ', ' In the Maidens' Room ', ' Khorovod ' (a kind of choral round dance), and ' At the Monastery.' It was tried through in private, but the composer disliked the work and laid it aside till the following year. Then, having completed the opera Snow Maiden, he took the quartet out of his desk and began to orchestrate it, turning it into a ' sinfonietta '. The Sinfonietta was not completed till 1884, however. It consists of only the first three movements of the quartet, which were drastically revised as well as orchestrated. (The material of the fourth movement was afterwards used in Sadko.)
The Sinfonietta is one of the biggest orchestral works that have ever been based entirely on folk tunes. The chief melody of the slow movement has also been used by Stravinsky in The Firebird.
including Weather Forecast and Forecast for Shipping
Short Talks on Common Nuisances
Leader, Montague Brearley
Conducted by Harold Lowe
George Clarkson (saxophone)
from ' In the Land of Youth' by James Stephens read by the author
from Casani's Club