from St. Paul's Cathedral
Order of Servfte
Psalms xlvii-xlix
Lesson, I Samuel xxviii, 3-end
Magnificat (7. E. Hunt in E flat) Lesson, Matthew v, 1-16
Nunc Dimittis (7. E. Hunt in E flat)
Anthem, Holy, Holy, Holy
Holy, Holy, Holy, ever-blessed Lord God Almighty
0 Holy, Holy, Holy God, in three
Persons: blessed Trinity.
Saints and Martyrs bless and praise
Angels and Archangels praise Thee, singing:
Heaven and earth are full of Thy great glory,
Glory be to Thee, 0 Lord.
Glory be to God in the highest,
Glory be to God the Father, Glory to the Son and to the Holy Spirit.
(Words edited and adapted by A. M. Henderson )
Hymn, When all Thy mercies, 0 my
God (A. and M. 517)