Hamilton Kennedy introduces your request records
A story, a hymn, and a prayer
at the BBC theatre organ
Troise and his Banjoliers
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conductor, Kemlo Stephen
and his Orchestra with Bob Dale
(Leader, Reginald Stead )
Conductor, John Hopkins
Today's story: 'Mitten the Kitten and the Camera ' by Christine Rees , told by Julia Lang.
Looking at You Critically: fashion expert Ailsa Garland , has a frank discussion with Honor Wyatt about her appearance. (BBC recordiing)
Cooking Fish and Look,ing for Something Differenit: Ambrose Heath suggests some answers
Reading Your Letters: the latest selection from Woman's Hour mailbag
Taking Up Photography: some encouragement for amateurs from A. G. Peacock. 1-The Snapshot Season
(Continued in next column)
Serial: ' The Gipsy's Baby ' by Richmal Crompton
Abridged by Barbara Henderson
Read by Mary Hignott
Programme introduced by Jean Metcalfe
The Spa Orchestra
Directed by George French
Craven Stakes
Commentary by Peter O'Sullevan from the Grand Stand and by Harry Middleton , assisted by Roger Mortimer , from a point down the course
From Newmarket Racecourse
on gramophone records
Jack Nathan and his Band
A message of comfort and cheer for all ' in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity '
Stuart Hibberd introduces another talk by the psychiatrist
Listeners' letters are very welcome as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd , c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.l. Listeners will realise that speakers cannot reply personally, but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Conducted by Capt. L. N. Dunn M.B.E ,
Director of Music
Robert Easton (bass)
at the BBC theatre organ
A musical journey with the BBC West of England
Light Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell with Hugh Shirreff as your guide
Today's tour includes: London, Scotland, Norway. Germany, Austria, and Franca
A high speed entertainment presenting
The Raymond Woodhead Singers
Fred Godfrey
Semprini Freddie Sales
Donald Peers
Ken Platt with The Kord'ites and the Augmented
Northern Variety Orchestra Conducted by Vilem Tausky
Introduced by Alan Clarke
Produced by Eric Miller
A correspondence column of the air
Edited and introduced by Adrian Thomas
The story of ' Crash Kavanagh' with Reg Kavanagh himself taking part and with scenes adapted from the book by Anthony Richardson
Narrated by Edward Ward
Script and production by Marjorie Banks
with Wallas Eaton
Alma Cogan , June Whitfield
The Keynotes
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor. Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Frank Muir and Denis Norden
Produced by Charles Maxwell
by Kenny Baker 's Dozen
Introduced by Wilfrid Thomas
' Fear to Tread ' by Michael Gilbert
(to be read in fifteen instalment*)
Reader. Colin Gordon
14— Mr. Wetherall's Visitor*
Eric Jupp and his Music with Jean Campbell