George Elrick introduces your request records
Ray Baines at the BBC theatre organ
Owen Walters and his Orchestra
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' His Father's Kilt'
Written and read by Hilton Brown
and his Orchestra
Conductor, Charles Groves
A programme for children under five
A daily programme for women at home
Introduced by Jean Metcalfe
Sylvia Smeal reviews events, large or small, that have interested women in Scotland during the past year
' Around the House: Household
Pests,' by Ruth Drew
' At the Play': Diana Morgan talks about a recent visit to the theatre-the re-opening night of the Old Vic
'In Hospital'
Serial: The Day is Ours ' by Hilda Lewis. Abridged by Hilton Brown. Read by Jill Balcort
Reginald King and his Salon Orchestra with George Armitage (tenor)
by Henry Gibson
3-' Saint Robin Hood '
A talk about the kind of hero who works outsJde the law and turns the tables on wrong-doers
Tommy Kinsman and his Dance Orchestra
A message of comfort and cheer for all in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity' Today's speaker, the Rev. Austen Williams , who is on the staff of the Church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields, London, Is introduced by Stuart Hibberd
Conducted by Lou Whiteson with Erling Stordahl (accordion)
Conducted by Lou Whiteson
at the BBC theatre organ
A fortnightly review by members of the younger generation of the latest books, films, plays, and music
In the chair, Lionel Gamlin
Tunes you have asked us to play
Views and enquiries selected from listeners' letters
Presented by Leslie Baily
accompanied by Frank Cordell 's Orchestra and Choir
(Leader, Percy Coates )
(Choir-Master, Peter Knight )
Introduced by Spike Hughes
Produced by Douglas Moodie
with Maudie Edwards
Roderick Jones , Edward Byles
Stan Stennett , Ann Walters
' Council Cup'
A serial comedy by E. Eynon Evans
The Girls in Harmony
Pendyrus Male Voice Choir (Conductor, Arthur Duggan )
Winifred Davey and James Moody at the pianos
Welsh Variety Orchestra (Leader, Morgan Lloyd)
Introduced by Alun Williams
Conducted and produced by Mai Jones
The Sydney Thompson
Old-Tyme Dance Orchestra
Master of Ceremonies:
Sydney Thompson
Produced by Glyn Jones
' The Spoilers of the North * by Rex Beach
Reader, Charles Richardson
9-' The Vigilantes '
and his Orchestra