Introduced by John Watt
Robinson Cleaver at the organ of the Granada, Tooting, London
The Robin Richmond Trio
Conducted by Lieut. J. E. Thirtle
Director of Music
Freda Townson (contralto)
and his Sextet with Doris Eaves (soprano)
A summer holiday programme
Edited and produced by Lionel Gamlin
Movie in the Making
An Illustrated report in two parts
Arranged and presented by Robert MacDermot
Today Robert MacDermot continues his account of the making of a film from the moment the story is chosen until the picture is finally shown in a cinema.
Marcel Stellman invites you to solve the fourth of his musical problems
Stop Press
A weekly surprise item
Each week a BBC mobile recording unit gives you an illustrated account of some interesting event that has just taken place somewhere in England
and his
Rhythm Reverie Orchestra
A programme for children under five
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard)
Conducted by Clarence Raybould
George Evans and his Orchestra
A compere contributes some ' Notes on the News ' and introduces a guest speaker who analyses a topical theme from a discussion group standpoint. The programme concludes with ' This week's talking-points '
Jack Leon and his Orchestra
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Conducted by Arwel Hughea with Ellis Evans (baritone)
A serial in eight parts by Rex Rienits
6— 'The Storm Gathers '
Harold Coombs at the BBC theatre organ
Michaeloff and his Mazurka Orchestra
All alone-by the microphone with occasional interruptions from others
BBC Revue Orchestra
Conducted by Owen Walters
Produced by Leslie Bridgmont
including cricket close ot play scores and Raymond Glendenning on tomorrow's fixtures
A musical drama of the west
Episode 20 and ' Rustler,' a canine cowhand with Macdonald Parke
Alan Keith and Guy Kingsley Poynter
Music by the Four Ramblers
Freddie Phillips and the Sons of the Saddle led by Jack Fallon
Written and produced by Charles Chilton
Gramophone records of Bing Crosby
A comedy-thriller series by Frances and Richard Lockridge freely adapted by Bernard Braden
5—' The Uncertain Lady '
Production by Ian C. Messiter
This week the spotlight falls on Skegness and picks out:
Morris and Cowley
Gwen Catley
Herschel Henlere
Jay Martel appearing at the Pier Pavilion
Harry Segal and Bert Ward appearing at Butlin's Kent Theatre
Jimmy Golding appearing at
Butlin's ' Pig and Whistle'
At the pianos: Winifred Taylor and Kathleen O'Hagan
Presented by David Southwood
A musical entertainment given by Suzanne Danco (soprano)
Geoffrey Gilbert (flute)
Gervase de Peyer (clarinet)
Maurice Clare (violin)
Frederick Riddle (viola)
William Pleeth (cello)
Marie Korchinska (harp)
Gerald Gover (piano)
Arranged by Basil Douglas
Nat Temple and his Orchestra with Alan Dean
The Ivor Mairants
Guitar Quartet
Andrew Fenner at the organ of the Regal, Kingston-on-Thames