News, information, and market trends for farmers
Producer, Archie MacPhee
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' Christ in My Neighbour '
Talks on the Works of Mercy by Mgr. Derek Worlock 2: To clothe the naked
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
When I was a child
Sunday morning walks with Gran by Iris Bryce
Fire in the Black Country by Ellen Mee
Introduced by Jack Singleton
played by Sidney Fell and Hubert Dawkes
Gramophone records of songs and piano music
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Morning Service
Christ, whose glory nils the skies
(BBC H.B. 137)
New Every Morning, page 87
Psalm 100 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 1, vv. 29-42
Lead us. heavenly Father, lead us
(BBC H.B. 307)
played by The Gough-Adams Music
Dorita y Pepe invite you to listen to some favourite Latin-American records
Regional Variations (3)
Cricket: Scotland v. Ireland
Cricket: Scotland v. Ireland
Four scientists answer listeners' questions about science and technology
In the Chair:
Professor G. P. Wells , F.R.S.
Members of the Panel: Donald Booth
Birkbeck College, London John Carthy
Queen Mary College, London
David Dewhirst
University of Cambridge
Peter Sykes
University of Cambridge Produced by Archie Clow
Recorded broadcast of January 18
BBC Concert Orchestra Leader. William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Freddy Grisewood recalls some of the highlights, grave and gay, from the fourteen years' run of this famous discussion programme
Produced by Michael Bowen
Recording of last Friday's broadcast in the Light Programme
A history and an appreciation, of ' The Home of Shakespeare and Opera in English ' 1914-1962
2: Heaven and all the Angels including the recorded voices of: TYRONE GUTHRIE , ROBERT HELPMANN
Introduced by Christopher Venning Produced by John Powell
The recorded broadcast of March 9 in the World of Sound series
2: Penshurst Place, Kent
Patricia Clark (soprano) Eilidh McNab (soprano) Grayston Burgess (counter-tenor)
Edgar Fleet (tenor)
John Carol Case (baritone)
Brian Jeffrey (lute) Presented bv
Richard Dimbleby and Denis Stevens Devised by Denis Stevens and John Harvey
BBC Transcription Service recording July 24: Brighton Pavilion
Ludwig Koch reminisces about animals he has met, and plays music from Saint-Saens'
' Carnival of the Animals '
Second of three programmes Produced by Harold Rogers
A serial in twelve parts adapted from his novel by R. F. DELDERFIELD
The pianist. Cicely Hoye
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Edited by Cynthia Pughe
The recorded "broadcast of October
'27, 1959. in the Light Programme
Tuneful reminders of yesterday played by Louis Voss and his Kursaal Orchestra with Pat Lancaster and Ian Stewart (piano)
Introduced by Peter Fettes Produced by John Tylee
devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
Dilys Powell and Frank Muir challenge
Nancy Spain and Denis Norden
Umpire, Jack Longland
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (3)
Cricket: Scotland v. Ireland
Cricket: Scotland v. Ireland
Stuart Hibberd introduces
Cecilia Fox , a teacher who had to retire, who has learned what to do with ' Vain Regrets '
Devised by Elwyn Price
1: Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Sailor
Regional Variations (6)
Diwrnod Lwcus: a dialogue story by Margaret Harries
Under Sail: Bob Roberts takes a look at Captains in the making and Captains of the past, with Frank Carr, Director of the National Maritime Museum, Greenwich
Northern Film News: as North
Northern Film News
Summer Has Come: a word picture in Gaelic prose, poetry. and song
A monthly notebook
Introduced by John Ellison
Regional Variations (2)
Lleisiau Lion: songs sung by girls from Beaumaris School
Joan Robson plays gramophone records from the countries she visited
2: Austria
Produced by Roger Burgess
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Sport
News. Stock Market Report
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (4)
Golf: report on the Scottish Amateur Championship
Cricket Club: magazine
News in Welsh
A weekly talk to gardeners in the South-East
Regional Variations (3)
Quest: the life of the Churches at home and abroad
JHnmy Blair's Scottish Dance Band
Comment, controversy and character for listeners in London and the counties of the South-East
Regional Variations (2)
Byd Natur: Naturalists' Brains Trust
G.U.S. (Footwear) Band
Conductor Stanley H. Boddington
at Claydon
Sir Harry Verney , D.S.O., tells Paul Humphreys about his boyhood in his Buckinghamshire home and of Florence Nightin gale who was then living there Florence Nightingale 's connection with Claydon came about through the marriage of her sister, Parthenope, to Sir Harry Verney 's grandfather. The house has been in the possession of the Verney family since the sixteenth century and Sir Harry speaks first of its history, then of life on a great estate seventy years ago, and finally of his famous great-aunt and her kindness to a small boy.
A concert given in St. Paul's Cathedral as part of the Festival of the City of London
Part 1
A prose reading from
' The Common Reader ' by VIRGINIA WOOLF
Reader, Hugh Burden
The Rev. John Skinner was bom in 1772 and died in 1839, leaving three iron chests containing his diary in ninety-eight volumes of manuscript. ' He stands, dressed in the prosaic and unbecoming stocks and pantaloons of the early nineteenth century, at the parting of the ways.'
Part 2
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (3)
Golf: Scottish Amateur Championship, further report
Moonlight Melody: Jean Jukes, piano
Sonata in G minor (Devil's Trill) played by Nathan Milstein (violin) with Leon Pommers (piano) on a gramophone record
Regional Variations (2)
Prayers. Interlude
The Golden Rendezvous by Alistair MacLean abridged by Neville Teller read by John Westbrook
The twelfth of fifteen instalments
Sonata in F minor, Op. 77 played by Denis Matthews (piano)
The last of three broadcasts of Dussek's Sonatas