News, information, and market trends for farmers
Producer. Archie McPhee
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
The Service of Youth
The Rev. Joseph K. Clegg talks about
Youth service in Ghana
followed by an interlude
NORAH BURKE talks of the ancient cities where cattle now graze between carved stone pillars 2,000 years old-of rock statues still deep in jungle, and of new irrigation schemes that follow the same channels cut by kings who reigned before Christ.
Clifford Bunford (tenor)
Roger Jenkins (piano)
Gramophone records, including his Piano Concerto No. 2, in G minor, with Moura Lympany and the London Philharmonic Orchestra, conducted by Jean Martinon
Come. let us to the Lord our God
(BBC H.B. 487)
New Every Morning, page 72 Psalm 51 (Broadcast psalter)
Philippians 3, v. 17, to 4, vv. 1 and 4-8 Rock of ages, cleft for me (BBC
H.B. 296)
Jack Dorsey and his Orchestra
A programme of old favourites sung by Mary Condon (contralto) with Ruby Taylor (piano)
Dudley Savage (organ) and a chorus from the Embankment Singers
Chorus-Master, Cecil Howett
Introduced by Dudley Savage
Counting Birds
Henry Douglas Home, Robert Smith , and W. J. Eggeling recount their experiences in assessing the numbers of birds inhabiting Scotland
Chairman, Christopher Mylne Produced by Elizabeth Adair Sunday's recorded broadcast
BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader. Philip Whiteway
Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
Anne Catchpole introduces music with a sunshine flavour and meets
Pat Cookie from Nigeria
The recorded broadcast of January 11 in the Light Programme
by Sir ARTHUR CONAN DOYLE adapted by Michael Hardwick
Mrs. Gibson, the Latin-American wife of the Gold King, is found near Thor Bridge, clad in a dinner dress with a shawl over her shoulders and a bullet through her brain.
The recorded broadcast of January 1 in the Light Programme
Music by Schumann and Liszt on a gramophone record
Chairman, Sir Gerald Barry
Art: J. M. Richards
Film: Riccardo Aragno
Theatre: Lionel Hale
Broadcasting: Jacques Brunius
Book: A. Alvarez
Jack Brymer introduces a programme for young musicians This month's guests:
From Scotland:
George Hay (organ)
From the North:
The Ripon Schools String Orchestra Conductor. Gilbert Shufflebotham
From London:
Katherine Bennett (piano)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a a detailed forecast for the South-
East region
This weekly series on current affairs brings to the microphone personalities and issues before the public
Baroness Burton of Coventry in conversation with Edward Blishen and Christopher Chataway , M.P.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
10.59 Weather forecast
Sonata No. 1, in G major (S.1027) played by August Wenzinger (viola da gamba)
Fritz Neumeyer (harpsichord) on a gramophone record
Leicester North-East
This Labour-held marginal seat has polled today and the Ten O'Clock team will be standing by to bring you the by-election result and an analysis of the trends revealed followed by