for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper followed by an interlude
' Men Seeking Truth '
Talks by Father George Songhurst
3: A truth with many frontiers
Louise Davies gives food news : second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
sung by the Benvenuto Duo
Clare Walmesley (soprano)
Laura Sarti (mezzo-soprano) with Paul Hamburger (piano)
Ye holy angels bright (BBC H.B.
New Every Morning, page 22
Psalm 27, part 1 (Broadcast psalter) Revelation 21, vv. 1-7
God's law is perfect (BBC H.B. 456)
Band of the Scots Guards
Conducted by Capt. J. H. Howe Director of Music
Using Wheels
Harry Armstrong explains how wheels were developed to overcome friction
Junior Science series
A talk by Max Bellancourt , with commentaries on some paintings published in the schools' pamphlet
French for Sixth Forms
Traditional music and songs from a square-dance party at Weston-super-Mare
Songs from Pat Shaw
Caller, Nibs Matthews
Music by the Jolly Waggoners Band
Led by Nan Fleming-Williams Master of Ceremonies, Bernard Fishwick
Produced by Brian Patten
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A light-hearted look at the advertising world with Michael Medwin
Eleanor Summerfield
Fenella Fielding, Joan Sims
Nicholas Phipps , Warren Mitchell Produced by JOHN SIMMONDS
Recorded broadcast of January 1. in the Light Programme
by Diana Ross with music composed and played by Michael Jessett
Let's Join In series
Tony joins Mr. Collins on a fishing expedition
Script by Christine Dudley
Nature Study series
by Anthony Berkeley
Adapted for broadcasting by Cedric Messina
Roger Sheringham investigates the 'poisoned chocolate' murder case.
from Manchester Cathedral
Preces and responses (Bernard Ross ) Psalms 82, 83, 84, 85
First Lesson: Deuteronomy 30
Magnificat (Watson in E major) Second Lesson: Acts 17, vv. 16-34
Nunc dimittis (Watson in E major) Creed: Lesser Litany; Collects Christ is risen (John Joubert ) Prayers: The Grace
Organist and Master of the Choristers, Derrick Cantrell
A story by Louise Fatio read by David Lloyd James
There was once a very happy lion. His home was not the hot and dangerous plains of Africa where hunters lie in wait with their guns, it was a lovely French town with brown tile roofs and gay shutters.
A new adventure serial in six episodes by HOWARD JONES
3:Madame 1.a Marquise
' Paris, 1685. This must be the house of Emile Rouard , the Huguenot gold-smith. Was he the man whose name Clarke managed to scrawl in the dust of his attic just before he died? '
Produced by GRAHAM GAULD
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
DENZIL BATCHELOR remembers an afternoon in Barkway some four years ago.
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. MEEHAN
Repeated on Thursday at 1.10
' Twenty Questions' is broadcast by arrangement with Maurice Winnick
Tickets for this series are available on application to [address removed]. enclosing stamped addressed envelope.
violin with the BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conducted by Izler Solomon
Part 1
A short story by Jack Cope, read by Bruce Stewart
Roppie was the most popular and daring seal in Cape Town harbour. But one day his daring (and his voracious appetite for fish) caused him to tarry too long when the entrance to a dry dock was closed; he was faced with the greatest challenge of his life.
(BBC recording)
Part 2
by Peter Fleming
' I've never been able to resist trying to bring up wild animals and birds. The idea is not to keep them in captivity, which seems to me pointless and cruel, but to have them about the place as sort of outlying, loosely attached members of the household.' Peter Fleming describes his acquaintance with a kestrel.
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Thea King
(clarinet and basset-horn)
Georgina Dobree (basset-horn)
Deirdre Dundas-Grant (bassoon)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)