for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' Bread for the World '
A talk for Christian Aid Week by Ronald Goodchild
Archdeacon of Northampton
followed by an interlude
The New Music Mistress by Millicent Isherwood
Miss Isherwood went from a small private girls' school with fifteen in a class to a 6oo-strong secondary modern school with forty boys and girls in a class. She describes how she tamed some Yorkshire toughs and with the help of a bugle, trombone, and drum put on a concert at the end of term.
Introduced by Jack Singleton
Prelude and Fugue in E minor English Suite No. 3, in G minor Prelude and Fugue in A minor played by Stanislav Heller (harpsichord)
Sixth of twelve programmes to include all the French and English Suites and Book 2 of the Well-tempered Clavier.
Jacqueline Mathieu borrows her brother's car to go shopping, but she
' soon finds herself in difficulties.
Listeners are a]so invited to answer questions put by Pierre Lefevre and to sing with him ' Vie du chasseur '
Script by Sdnia Windsor
Early Stages in French series
The Robin Richmond Quartet
A- topical programme for older children
The subject for next week will be announced at the end of this broadcast.
Programme 1
Speaker, John Wren-Lewis
Sixth Form series: The Christian Religion and its Philosophy
Kenneth Bowen (tenor)
BBC Welsh Orchestra Leader, Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A spontaneous discussion by John Arlott , Ralph Wightman
Hugh Delargy ,
M.P. Greville Howard ,
M.P. Question-Master , FREDDY GRISEWOOD
Arranged by Peter Lord
From St. Peter Port, Guernsey
Recording of last Friday's broadcast in the Light Programme followed by an interlude
The landing at Marsala and entry into Palermo (1860)
Script by Leslie Reade
Stories from World History series
A dramatised programme about the ' Messiah,' one of the violins made by the famous maker Antonius Stradivari us
Script by Bertha Lonsdale
Adventures in Music series
Produced by William GLEN-DOEPEL Sunday's recorded broadcast
The Central Sahara
Four members of the 1961 Joint Cambridge and Sheffield Universities' Expedition describe some of their surprising adventures in the Tibesti mountains.
Recorded broadcast of February 18
Stuart Hibberd introduces.
Derek Walker to talk about Christian Aid Week and the concern of the churches of the world that there should be Bread for the World
This Month in Your Garden by Fred Loads
Young People's Guide to Current Affairs by Bob Reid
Sports News by Kenneth Wolstenholme London News by Judith Chalmers
Here and There-General News by Alan Dixon
Edited and introduced by Michael Barton
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A short story by Elizabeth Bowen read by Mary Wimbush
Miss Rice's way with the children was perfect-so obviously good a governess must have been expensive. Why then had she come to this unlovable house -and for so small a salary.....
An enquiry into the H.P. system and the influences it exerts on the national life of a country whose public owes £ 1,000,000,000 for goods obtained on the never-never
Compiled and narrated by Michael Pearson
Edited and produced by ROBERT POCOCK
Introduced by Deryck Cooke
Denis Matthews (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead
Conductor, George Hurst
Prelude: The Mastersingers. Wagner
Before an invited audience in the Town Hall, St. Helens
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
played by David Oistrakh (violin)
Isaac Stern (violin) with members of the Philadelphia Orchestra
Conducted by Eugene Ormandy on gramophone records
10.59 Weather forecast
Trio in G major played by the London String Trio
Emanuel Hurwitz (violin) Watson Forbes (viola) Vivian Joseph (cello)