for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
followed by an interlude
Witnesses unto Me
Talks by the Rev.
Charles W. Ranson , D.Theol.
3: Unto death
Louise Davies gives food news : second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
by Ralph Downes
From Brompton Oratory, London
Jesu, guide our way (BBC H.B. 144) New Every Morning, page 87 Psalm 100 (Broadcast psalter) Revelation 3, vv. 1-13
My spirit longs for thee (BBC H.B.
Royal Artillery Mounted Band
Conducted by Captain W. Williams , M.B.E. Director of Music
Using Levers
Harry Armstrong shows how the principle of the simple lever is used to make work easier
Junior Science series
A talk on current affairs in France by Agnes Tanguy and Henri Appia
French for Sixth Forms series
Forecast for land areas, followed by 9 detailed forecast for the South-East region
A light-hearted look at the advertising world with Michael Medwin, Eleanor Summerfleld, Fenella Fielding, Joan Sims, Nicholas Phipps, Warren Mitchell.
Script by Myles Rudge and Ronnie Wolfe
Produced by John Simmonds
(Recorded broadcast of December 11, 1961, in the Light Programme)
by Anne Casserley adapted by Jean Sutcliffe
Unexpected wealth brings near-disaster to a boastful but simple pig Let's Join In series
Tony learns how to rear tadpoles in an aquarium
Script by Christine Dudley
Nature Study series
The Build-Up
A play for radio by R. B. AMOS
A young teacher of English writes a sensational novel which becomes a best seller and precipitates a crisis, both in his career and in his private life.
Other parts played by . Peggy Butt. Dorit Welles
Anthony Hall , Donald McKillop
from the Parish Church of St. James, Belfast Introit: Come, let us worship
Sentence; Confession; Absolution;
The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses (Tallis) Psalms 12, 13, and 14 First Lesson: Deuteronomy 4, vv.
Magnificat (Walmisley in D minor) Second Lesson: Acts 4, vv. 5-22
Nunc dimittis (Walmisley in D r minor)
Creed; Versicles and Responses;
Anthem;. He is risen (Peter Philips) Prayers and Grace Hymn
Organ Voluntary
Organist and Choirmaster, Leslie F. McCarrison
A new adventure serial in six episodes by HOWARD JONES
1: Double Treason
' It is July 6, 1685. My name is David Harry Linton , and I am now an outlaw, a soldier of the line in the rebel Monmouth army, running from Sedgemoor, running these three hours with King's men like whippets on my heels.'
Produced by GRAHAM GAULD
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Kenneth Home knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. MEEHAN
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
Conductor, Rudolf Kempe Leader, Raymond Cohen
Denis Matthews (piano)
From the Royal Festival Hall, London
Part 1
by Clifford Hornby
'I must have shot enough film to tie the world up like an Easter egg, with a nice big bow on top; and there aren't any stars in my pictures.'
Clifford Homby describes some of the joys and frustrations of his work as a documentary film-maker.
Part 2
(revised version, 1919) Introduction
The firebird and its dance
Variation on the firebird theme Round dance of the princesses King Kashchey's devil-dance Cradle-song Finale
Part 1
The News
A Party Political Broadcast on behalf of the LIBERAL PARTY
Vice-President of the Liberal Party
Councillor H. BALLAM (Poole)
Councillor BRIAN BIRCH (Bradford)
Councillor PETER HOWELL WILLIAMS (Wallasey)
Two of his Sonatas for organ and orchestra played by the Philomusica of London
Directed by Thurston Dart on a gramophone record
10.59 Weather forecast
Sonata in A flat major, Op. 26 played by Natasha Litvin (piano)