for farmers
The Rt. Rev. George Reindorp
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
' Men Seeking Truth '
Talks by Father George Songhurst 1: A truth hard to find
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Recordings from the past and the present
DESMOND CARRINGTON is in STUDIO 53 to recall personalities and events from the world of entertainment including:
Produced by John Powell
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Songs to sing and music to listen to
Introduced by Kay Foster
My spirit longs for thee (BBC H.B.
New Every Morning, page 15 Psalm 111 (Broadcast psalter)
Revelation 19, vv. 6-16
0 Christ. Redeemer of our race
(BBC H.B. 54)
George Scott-Wood and his Music
by William Appleby
Demoiselles de Compagnie
For their holidays, Genevieve Iriart and her friend, Sylvie, want to go to the Camargue. To earn money, Genevieve looks after an old lady in the He Saint-Louis, and Sylvie takes a colonel in his wheel-chair for outings. Listeners are also invited to sing ' Voici le mois de mai ' with Jan Rosol , who accompanies himself on the guitar Script by Paule-Aline and John Dent
Intermediate French series
Philip Challis (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead
Conductor, George Hurst Overture:
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gordon Reynolds introduces ten minutes of music for six-year-olds
Ken Sykora investigates the melodic and rhythmic elements which established jazz as a new mode of musical expression
Orchestral Concerts series
The Rioters from ' Shirley ' by Charlotte Bronte'
Turn of the Century by MICHAEL BRETT with Marjorie Westbury and James McKechnie
When George Maxwell , a reporter for the County Gazette, sets out on a sentimental journey to interview Mr. and Mrs. Mellowes, the celebrated centenarians, he does not foresee the startling and somewhat farcical hazards of such a mission!
Cast in order of speaking:
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Produced by NORMAN WRIGHT
Advice and entertainment for retired and older people and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Grandmother: A portrait by Eileen Gray
National Assistance: by an Officer of the Board
The recorded broadcast of January 28 in ' Can I Help You? '
Adventures of a Rose Grower: Arbel Aldous on the consequences of a hobby
Early Science Fiction - 1: Rolf Lefebvre reads from ' 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea' by Jules Verne
Introduced by John Dunn
Six plays by E. LUCIA TURNBULL
6: Roses White and Roses Red based on a traditional story from Greece
It was Christmas Eve on the Island of Crete when a certain merchant and his wife came out on to their balcony to look with joy and wonder at the bright star which hung like a lamp in the East.
Produced by DAVID DAVIS
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A weekly review of what the papers in South-East England are saying
Sixth Year
A weekly contest between amateur choirs from all over the United Kingdom
The seventh of twelve programmes in the national competition Introduced by JOHN HOBDAY with a summary of the adjudicators' comments from MAURICE JACOBSON
Howell's School Choir
Conductor, Gwen Osborne
Coleraine High School Choir Conductor, Evva Wilson
Robinswood Singers
Conductor, Margaret E. Jones
Barrhead Philomel Singers Conductor, Mina Forrest
Produced by John Fawcett Wilson
The Father by AUGUST STRINDBERG adapted for broadcasting by Max Faber from his English version with Jack Hawkins and Googie Withers
Production by JOHN GIBSON
Recorded broadcast of March 31, 1957, in the Third Programme
See page 19
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Two sonatas for recorder and continuo played by Ferdinand Conrad (recorder) Hugo Ruf (harpsichord)
Johannes Koch (viola da gamba) on a gramophone record