for farmers
Speaker, C. A. Joyce
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
followed by an interlude
Bradford Bible Week
John Tiarks
Provost of Bradford introduces the idea
Second edition
Recordings from the past and the present
Alan Keith brings you a selection of your recorded memories Produced by Denys Gueroult
If you have a memory from the past, an event, a radio programme, a personality, which you would like to hear again, write on a postcard, to: ' The Years Gone By,' BBC, London, W.l.
by Alistair Cooke
Sunday's recorded broadcast
Regional Variations (2)
Caniadaeth y Cysegr: Hymn-singing by the united churches of Llanelly
Antony Hopkins
Songs to sing and music to listen to
Introduced by Kay Foster
Praise to the Lord (BBC H.B. 17) New Every Morning, page 1 Psalm 3 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 26, vv. 1-13
0 come. 0 come, Immanuel (BBC
H.B. 36)
by John Castle and Arthur Hailey abridged by Neville Teller read by David March
Fourth of fifteen instalments
Isobel Baillie (soprano) on gramophone records
by William Appleby Requests
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Round and About*. Interval Music
Unusual Jobs
A shopping adviser, hand-bell makers, and a helper at a zoo hospital, talk to Nan Macdonald about their jobs
A programme of topical interest and comment on things French
Script by Emile Harven
Intermediate French series
Wilfrid Parry (piano)
BBC Northern Orchestra Led by James Davis
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (2)
Desert Island Discs
Roy Plomley's castaway is writer Paul Gallico. Show more
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Nature Study
Stories of Saint
Nicholas Scriptwriter , Melissa Wood
Gordon Reynolds introduces ten minutes of music for six-year-olds
Introduced by Kenyon Emrys-Roberts
Jamaican Rumba (Arthur Benjamin) Popular Song (Facade)
(William Walton )
Waltz (Divertissement)
(Jacques Ibert )
Blues (An American in Paris)
(George Gershwin )
Mambo, from Concerto for Jazzband and Symphony Orchestra (Rolf Liebermann )
Orchestral Concert series
Regional Variations (2)
Schools: Scottish Heritage
The Christmas Treat
Ken Jackson comes to the rescue when Santa Claus catches cold
Script by Honor Wyatt
A Night With the Gypsies
A reading from ' The Bible in Spain ' by George Borrow
Hamilton Dyce as George Bone in The Gentle Killer from the book by PAMELA BARRINGTON adapted by Mollie Greenhalgh
George Bone , a gentle little man, middle-aged and unmarried, is employed as chief clerk to a firm of solicitors. For more than twenty years his work has constituted his sole interest in life, but with the passing years he has developed a strange and overpowering neurosis; he is obsessed with the desire to kill the man he has always feared, hated, and envied. Production by AUDREY CAMERON
Regional Variations (2)
Song Recital : Lindsay Heather, baritone; Basil Small-man, piano
Lawrence Neely (baritone) Phyllis Spurr (piano)
' These I Have Loved'
Louise Hollingsworth , Florence Wickelgren , William Ramsay describe some possessions and pastimes that have given them pleasure s
A programme for the fives to eights
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame, a new adaptation in twelve parts by Felix Felton
10: The Further Adventures of Toad
Regional Variations (2)
Ceilidh Na Cloinne: at the National Mod
BBC correspondents all over the world talk about the countries in which they live and work
Introduced by Roy Bradford
Regional Variations (2)
Wandering with Nomad
A series of programmes in which well-known personalities are interviewed and choose some of their favourite records
This week:
Thelma Hopkins
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Stock Market Report
News. Round-up of events
News. Stock Market Report
News: sport
South-Eastern News
Regional Variations (4)
News in Welsh
BBC Midland Light Orchestra; conductor. Jack Coles
Bobby Crowe and his Band
of the South-East
BOB DANVERS-WALKER goes to sea on a Trinity House Relief boat to find out how the men of the lightships and lighthouses spend the long winter months cut off from civilisation.
Produced by Richard Burwood
A weekly review of what the papers in South-East England are saying
Regional Variations (4)
BBC Scottish Orchestra, conducted by Michael Steyn
Northern Choirs: as North
Northern Choirs
Beethoven and Wolf
Sybil Michelow (contralto)
Winifred Davey (piano)
Freudvoll und leidvoll
Sehnsucht (Nur wer die Sehnsucht kennt)
Der Wachtelschlag An die Geliebte
In dieses Grabes Dunkel
Das Geheimnis
Die ihr schwebet um diese Palmen Das verlassene Magdlein Der Gartner
Denk' es, o Seele Er ist's
Regional Variations (2)
Try Out Your Welsh: 10
100th Edition
A selection of recorded wit, music, and humour
Lucky Jim
The novel by KINGSLEY AMIS adapted for radio by E. J. King Bull with Michael Bryant
Denys Blakelock , and June Tobin
The action takes place in and around one of our newer provincial universities.
Music arranged and conducted by Max Saunders
The News
Background to the News
People in the News
Regional Variations (2)
Association Football: Hearts v. Rangers
Sheba The Springbok by Huw Griffith read by Gary Watson
Regional Variations (2)
News Headlines; prayers
followed by late weather forecast
Sergio Varella-Cid (piano)