for farmers
's broadcast
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
followed by an interlude
Bradford Bible Week
Harold Key , Chairman of the West Yorkshire Methodist District, reports on the second open meeting
Louise Davies gives food news comment and suggestions for the household shopper
: second hearing of the broadcast at 7.40
Suzanne Rozsa (violin)
Frederick Stone (piano)
Hills of the north, rejoice (BBC
H.B. 33)
New Every Morning, page 7
Canticle 6, part 1 (Broadcast psalter) St. Matthew 26, vv. 26-35
Love divine, all loves excelling
(BBC H.B. 329)
by John Castle and Arthur Hailey abridged by Neville Teller read by David March
Sixth of fifteen instalments
Thurston Dart (harpsichord) Gramophone record of music by English composers
4: How does heat change things? Lyn Bessel talks about the use of heat in the kitchen
Junior Science series
Beneath the rigid exterior of seventeenth-century France one finds a ferment of new ideas, religious and philosophic
Script by Max Bellancourt
French for Sixth Form series
Country tunes and songs from the British Isles and abroad
Willie Walker and his Band
Christina Short
Alex Glasgow
Billy Pigg
(Northumbrian pipes)
Produced by Richard Kelly
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Midland Region's panel game devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
E. Arnot Robertson and Frank Muir challenge
Nancy Spain and Denis Norden
Umpire, Jack Longland
Recorded broadcast of June 25
Retold by Sam Langdon with Christmas music including the carols 'How far is it to Bethlehem?' and ' Gloria in excelsis Deo '
Let's Join In series
Mr. Collins asks questions on this term's Nature Study programmes Script by N. A. Taylor
Nature Study series
Detective's Wife by HERBERT HARRIS
Linda Mason scoffs at the idea that she may not be safe, alone all day in an isolated cottage; but her husband is a detective and may have enemies.
3.15 Plain Sailing by CHARLES THORNTON
On board the s.s. Monantus life is one long battle of wits between the stokers and Tub, the steward. For once the stokers hope to win.
Plays produced by RICHARD IMISON s
from the Cathedral Church of St. Mary (Scottish Episcopal), Glasgow Sentence; Confession; Absolution Versicles and Responses (Ferial) Psalms 32, 33, 34
First Lesson: Isaiah 10, v. 33, to 11, v. 9
Office Hymn: Creator of the stars of night (English Hymnal No. 1)
Magnificat (Wadely)
Second Lesson: 2 Thessalonians 2
Nunc dimittis (Wadely) The Apostles' Creed
Versicles and Responses (Ferial) Collects
Anthem: If ye keep my Commandments (Heely)
Intercessions; Grace
Organist, Albert Heely
Master of the Choristers, Cyril Johnson
Should Boxing be banned?
Vernon Scannell v.
Dr. J. A. Waycott
Vernon Scannell is a poet, ex-pugilist, and schoolmaster. Dr. J. A. Waycott is medical officer at a public school and a magistrate.
Recorded broadcast of Oct. 17. 1959
A programme for the fives to eights
Mr. Peckew and Mr. Paygo Arnold Peters tells another story by R. G. Walker
2: Mr. Peckew gets lost
by LAURENCE MEYNELL adapted for broadcasting in six parts by Nan Macdonald
2: Big Money
Production by Trevor Hill
A musical crossword presented by Harry Engleman at the piano and Philip Garston-Jones
Forecast for land areas. followed by detailed forecast for the South-East
A short story from Oxfordshire by Fred Butler
A series of five-round contests
LONDON v. NORTH: Round 2
Denis Brogan , Barry Carman Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
W. Lyon Blease Dennis Chapman
Quiz-Master, Roy Plomley Arranged by Patrick Harvey
See above and page 38
Part 1
by Leonard Clark
Story of a Forest of Dean archaeologist who overreached himself
Part 2
The News
Background to the News People in the News
Four talks for Advent by the Rev. Alan Booth
Secretary of the Commission of the Churches on International Affairs who explores, from a standpoint of Christian belief, the challenge offered by some of the major political problems of our time.
2: Nations Old and New
Francisco Gabarro (cello)
Wilfrid Parry (piano)