for farmers
Talks by the Rev. Geoffrey J. Rogers
' Jesus commands '
Talks by the Rev. Geoffrey J. Rogers Warden of Lee Abbey Lynton, Devon ' Jesus returns '
John Tunnell and Susan Tunnell violin and piano
Fourth of six recitals including a work by a younger British composer
With joy we meditate the grace
(BBC H.B. 134)
New Every Morning, page 41
Psalm 119, part 4
James 4, vv. 7-17
Oft in danger (BBC H.B. 363)
Jack Salisbury and his Orchestra
Overture: The Barber of Seville (Rossini)
Philharmonia Orchestra
Conducted by Herbert von Karajan
Movements from ballet: Graduation Ball
(Johann Strauss, arr. Dorati)
Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra Conducted by Willi Boskovsky
Some recent gramophone records
Reports from Britain and overseas
Introduced by Bill Hartley
Safety is their Business
2: The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents
Why I don't own a car by Paul Humphreys Crises in the Car by Dr. J. S. Blair Aids to Motoring introduced by Jim Pestridge
Recording of last Friday's broadcast in Network Three
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Kenneth Horne in a sort of radio show with Kenneth Williams , Hugh Paddick
Betty Marsden , Bill Pertwee
Janet Waters. The Hornets
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader. John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Incidental music by Edwin Braden Script by Eric Merriman
Produced by Jacques Brown
The recorded broadcast of November 10 in the Light Programme
The Napoleon of Bethnal Green
A play for radio by VINCENT BROME
Bert Simmons is the Napoleon of Bethnal Green, the local hero who has never met his Waterloo. Hearing that some of his old friends from the Green are running into trouble on a new housing estate, he goes out there to do battle for them.
Otiher parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company Pianisti, Arthur Dulay
A true story by TERRY JENNINGS
A few yards from the bank of the Potomac River in the United States of America, a 500-ton naval barge lay at anchor. It was used for testing various pieces of underwater equipment. That particular afternoon naval diver Joseph Karneke made a routine dive down one of the flooded well-shafts with which the barge was fitted, and found himself in a situation of incredible peril.
Produced by Alan Burgess
The recorded broadcast of December 19, 1960, in the Light Programme
Philip Jones (oboe)
Susani Bradshaw (piano)
The inter-regional general knowledge contest concocted by Geoffrey Uearmer conducted by David Davis and cheerfully contested by competitors in all seven regions
Wilfred Pickles visits the Fielden Hospital for Children, Todmorden, and there talks to fome of the young patients, and invites them to choose a record
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The Hon. C. M. Woodhouse D.S.O., O.B.E., M.P. gives his impressions of what he heard and' saw in Parliament
in which
Cyril Fletcher irovitesi the family to listen to
Tom Mennard , Dorita y Pepe
The Western Brothers, Max Jaffa
Marian Nowakowski , Max Miller
Country Calendar: Percy Edwards
Calypso Time with Cy Grant
Memories in Music: with Rawicz and Landauer
The Adam Singers
Directed by Cliff Adams BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Produced by Bill WorsJey
Tom Mennard is appearing in Variety at the Continental, Hull
Cat and Mouse
Written and produced by BETTY DAVIES
Other parts played by members of the BBC Drama Repertory Company
News of books and their makers in reviews, quotations and interviews
James Fisher talks on a subject chosen by himself
Introduced by Robin Holmes
followed by late weather forecast
Quartet in E flat, Op. 74 played by the Allegri String Quartet Eli Goren (violin)
James Barton (violin) Patrick Ireland (viola) William Pleeth (cello)
Recording of the broadcast on January 26 in the Third Programme