for farmers
The morning magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Talks by Rev. Geoffrey J. Rogers
' Jesus unites '
Second edition
followed by an interlude
Jean Harvey (violin)
Denis Aldersea (piano)
by Gavin Maxwell abridged by Donald Bancroft Read by Gabriel Woolf
Come, ye faithful, raise the anthem
(BBC H.B. 123)
New Every Morning, page 33
Canticle 12 (Broadcast psalter) James 3, vv. 1-12
Jesu, our hope, our heart's desire
(BBC H.B. 126)
The Don Harper Sextet
Written and produced by LEONARD COTTRELL
This programme describes how the younger Scipio, using tactics he had learned from Hannibal himself, defeated his great opponent and brought the seventeen-year struggle to an end.
Those taking part include
Valentine Dyall , Arthur Bush Basil Jones , Noel Johnson and the recorded voice of Captain B. H. Liddell Hart
Recorded broadcast of Dec. 6, 1960
BBC Welsh Orchestra
Leader. Philip Whiteway
Conducted by Meredith Davies
Richard Standen (bass-baritone)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
played by Leonard Cassini (piano)
by Edmund Cooper read by David March
The first reaction occurred after tea. Timothy looked up from the book he was reading and said, ' Dad, do you think a man could make himself invisible?' His father said, certainly not.....
Nina Epton , Joyce Dunsheath , and Katherine Sim exchange experiences of their travels from Morocco to the Himalayas and Malaya to the Caucasus
In the chair, Stewart Wavell
Sunday's recorded broadcast
A programme for the fives to eights
Come Along and Join Our Song with Phyllis Kinney and Maimie Noel Jones
The musical story:
' The Three Little Washer Women ' written and told by Nesta Crossley
Introduced by Evelyn Williams
A well-known personality is interviewed and chooses some favourite records
This week's guest Wilfred Wooller who talks to , Alun Williams
Roy Bradford reviews a mixed bag of recent records
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A programme in which a question of current concern or interest is argued or investigated
A programme of records introduced by Lilian Duff
A Party Political broadcast on behalf of the CONSERVATIVE
AND UNIONIST PARTY by Mrs. Jill Knight
Stuttgart Chamber Orchestra
Conducted by Karl Munchinger Ricercare a 6 (The Musical Offering)
I Concertino in F minor (attrib. Pergolesiy
Five pieces for string orchestra
(Hindemith) on gramophone records