A reading taken from
' Think on These Things ' by Francis L. Wheeler Reader, Rex Palmer
0 come, all ye faithful
Peter Pears (tenor) and the BBC Midland Singers sing favourite
Christmas hymns and carols accompanied by the BBC Midland Light Orchestra Leader, James Hutcheon
Conducted by John Lowe
Reader, Bernard Hepton
Organist, George Miles
The programme includes Ding dong merrily
Shepherds with their flocks abiding Peter, go ring-a dem bells For unto us (Messiah) The maiden's carol
The twelve days of Christmas 0 come, all ye faithful
Greetings from
Sheffield Cathedral
Ottery St. Mary Parish Church, Devon
Parish Church of St. Patrick Ballymena, Co. Antrim
Parish Church of St. Mary Hampton, Middlesex
Birmingham Cathedral
St. Cuthbert's Church Edinburgh
Parish Church of St. Mary Swansea
and Church of the Nativity at Bethlehem
Regional Variations (2)
The Word Became Flesh
All Saints' Parish Church Ecclesall, near Sheffield
Conducted by the Vicar the Rev. Richard Hanson
Hark the herald-angels sing (A. and M. Rev. 60)
Versicles and Responses Psalm 85
First Lesson: Isaiah 9, w. 2-7
Te Deum
Second Lesson: St. Luke 2, w. 1-20 A great and mighty wonder (A. and M. Rev. 68)
Creed; Lesser Litany; Collects
While shepherds watched (A. and M. Rev. 62)
0 come, all ye faithful (A. and M.
Rev. 59)
Organist, F. W. Turner
Regional Variations (2)
Galw Heibio: record requests for hospital patients
introduces his own records
Overture: Morning, Noon, and Night (Suppi)
La Calinda (Delius)
Suite: Dolly (Fauré)
Movements from Love in Bath
(Handel, arr. Beecham)
Act 2: Carmen (Bizet)
Conducted by Stanford Robinson with the BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon
Joan Bramhall
Alexander Young
Denis Dowling
Mary Peppin
and Geraldine Peppin
The Linden Singers
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Her Majesty's recorded Christmas Message to the Commonwealth
See page 12 followed by THE NEWS
Songs of a past decade with Alfie Bass , Benny Lee
Andy Cole , Rita Williams
Joseph Ward , Charles Young The George Mitchell Choir
BBC Revue Orchestra Leader, Julien Gaillard
Conducted by Alf Ralston
Compiled and produced by Charles Chilton
A monthly programme reflecting life in the country including
Sounds of the month
Reports from the countryside
A Natural History contribution by Eric Simms
Introduced by C. Gordon Glover Produced by Arthur Phillips
BBC Symphony Orchestra Leader, Paul Beard
Conductor, Rudolf Schwarz
Edith Vogel (piano) Part 1
Hans and Lotte Hass have reached a turning point in their lives
While new research targets beckon, they talk to Stewart Wavell about their years of under-water adventure and how it all began.
Regional Variations (2)
Memories of Christmas: talk by Dylan Thomas
Part 2
A pattern of nursery rhymes embroidered by Cyril Ritchard Celeste Holm , and Boris Karloff
With music by Hershy Kay
Directed by Howard O. Sackler on a gramophone record
A Christmas play for listeners of all ages written specially for radio by Margaret Potter and Trevor Hill
Music composed by Henry Reed who conducts the BBC Northern Orchestra Leader, Reginald Stead with Francis de Wolff
and 'We're going to build a snowman' sung by the Whalley Range High School Choir Programme devised and produced by Trevor Hill
Recorded broadcast of Dec. 25, 1957
Forecast for land areas, and detailed forecast for the South-East region
Her Majesty's recorded Christmas Message to the Commonwealth followed by THE NEWS
Wireless for the Blind
Appeal on behalf of the British Wireless for the Blind Fund
(Registered in accordance with the National Assistance Act, 1948) by Viscount Monckton of Brenchley,
K.C.M.G., K.C.V.O., M.C., Q.C.
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
On only one day in the year-Christmas Day-the British Wireless for the Blind Fund makes an appeal. On every day in the year wireless sets are needed for those who are newly blind and to replace old sets which, after long and constant use, have finally worn out. Each set costs the Fund £ 10, and during 1961 five thousand new sets must be supplied.
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist, Doris Gambell
Folkestone Halliday Girls' Choir Conductor, Joan Oxley
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (2)
Visit to two parish churches dedicated to St. Nicholas
in King's College Chapel, Cambridge
Recording of yesterday's broadcast For details see pages 8 and 9
Dramatised as a serial in ten parts by Muriel Levy with Rachel Gurney and Carleton Hobbs
Gerald Corven has followed his wife Clare from Ceylon, in an attempt to persuade her to return to him.
Dinny is so worried for her sister that she does not realise how fond an admirer she has in Eustace Dornford, for whom Clare is acting as secretary. She can only see that Tony Croom's love for Clare may prove as dangerous as Gerald's desire to get her back. Part 4
Production by Robin Midgley and Val Gielgud
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh songs of the hearth
The story of John, Mary, Juliet,
Hayley, and Jonathan Mills
Narrated by Richard Attenborough
Taking part:
Excerpts from plays include:
Five Finger Exercise
A Midsummer Night's' Dream
Also the sound-tracks from the following films:
Way to the Stars. Tunes of Glory Tiger Bay, Pollyanna
Swiss Family Robinson On gramophone records: I'm on a see-saw
A little white room
BBC Variety Orchestra Leader, John Jezard
Conducted by Paul Fenoulhet Script by Gale Pedrick
Production by Tom Ronald
See below and page 12
Oboe Concerto in. D, Op. 7 No. 6 Renato Zanfini (oboe)
Virtuosi di Roma
Conducted by Renato Fasano on a gramophone record
The Word was made flesh Isaiah 11, vv. 1-9
Psalm 85 (Broadcast psalter) St. John 1, w. 1-14
Behold, the great Creator makes
(BBC H.B. 44)
1 John 4, v. 14
followed by late weather forecast
Juilliard Quartet
Robert Mann (violin) Isidore Cohen (violin) Raphael Hillyer (viola) Claus Adam (cello)
Recording made available by courtesy of Siidwestfunk, Baden-Baden, Germany