A reading taken from
' Think on These Things ' by Francis L. Wheeler
Reader, Olive Gregg
Regional Variations (2)
Patients' requests played by Dudley Savage, theatre organ
BBC Concert Orchestra
Leader, William Armon
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
Introduced by Marjorie Anderson
As I See It: personal comment from Commander Sir Stephen King-Hall
Behind the Scenes: Gordon Gow visits a fire station
Party Dish: Fanny Cradock 's first favourite
Togetherness? E. Arnot Robert son and her son face the separate studio test
Regional Variations (2)
He Comes. 3: As Lord. Last of three Advent Services from Trinity College Chapel. Glasgow
from St. Michael's Church, Cornhill, in the City of London conducted by the Rector, the Rev. Norman Motley
Human Judgment
Four sermons for Advent by the Rev. Howard Williams
4: The Judgment
General Confession; Absolution The Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses (Smith) Psalm 93
First Lesson : Isaiah 68. vv. 1-8 Te Deum (Boyce in C)
Second Lesson: St. Matthew 26, vv.
Jubilate (Boyce in C) Creed ; Lesser Litany Th<- Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Response: Collects
0 come. 0 come, Emmanuel (A. and M. Rev. 49)
Sermon Lo, he comes with clouds descending- (A. and' M. Rev. 51)
Prayers; Blessing
Harold Darke , D.MUS., F.R.C.O.
Regional Variations (2)
Galw Heibio: record requests for hospital patients
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
Record Review
Contributed by Edward Greenfield
Alec Robertson and John Warrack
A request programme of gramophone records
Introduced by Jan van der Gucht
Mass in C sung by Jennifer Vyvyan (soprano) Monica Sinclair (contralto) Richard Lewis (tenor)
Marian Nowakowski (bass)
Beecham Choral Society
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra Conductor.
Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Conducted by Walter Allen
Film: Freda Bruce Lockhart
Theatre: J. W. Lambert
Radio: H. A. L. Craig
Book: John Metcalf
Art: Andrew Forge
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Introduced by Maxwell Knight
Freaks, Forms, and Frequencies
Striking varieties of butterflies and moths have long been collectors' prizes; variations in bird plumage perplexed the early ornithologists. BERNARD KETTLEWELL , L. HUGH NEWMAN , and PETER SCOTT discuss these curiosities and their importance to the scientist studying the principles of inheritance and natural selection.
Produced by Bruce Campbell
Husband and Wife
Dudley Perkins looks at some more matrimonial problems concerned with maintenance and rights to property
Regional Variations (2)
The Scottish Garden
visits Staffordshire
Members of the Maer and District Garden Guild put their problems to
Fred Loads. Bill Sowerbutts Alan Gemmell
Freddy Grisewood
Arranged by Peter Anderson
Regional Variations (2)
BBC N. Ireland Light Orchestra: conductor. David Curry
Part 1
A South African story by Nadine Gordimer read by Rolf Lefebvre
Part 2
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh news survey
A sound recording of last Thursday's television programme
Sir George Thomson , F.K.S.
Dr. W. Grey Walter
James Fisher
Lord James
Norman Fisher
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. ' The Hut that Flew Away ': part 2
A story by Hans Christian Andersen
Translated from the original Danish by R. P. Keigwin and told by David
The Story of the Birth of Jesus Christ retold by Eleanor Graham in her book
' The Story of Jesus '
Arranged for broadcasting by David Davis
Readers :
Jill Balcon and Alec Clunes with the Tudor Singers Conductor, Brian Judge
Forecast for land areas, followed by a. detailed forecast for the South-East1 region
A summary of last week's events
Reginald Leopold and the Palm Court Orchestra
Visiting artist,
Marion Studholme
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (3)
As Midland
Service from Moseley Presbyterian Church. Birmingham: the Rev. J. Paton Fox
A series of programmes for Advent 1960, portraying the Coming of Christ in the language of music, poetry, and scripture
3: The Bible
The passages are. selected and read by Tom Fleming
Appeal on behalf of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen by Hugh Redwood , O.B.E.
Contributions (preferably by crossed postal order or cheque) will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to [address removed]
The warmest of welcomes awaits any fisherman, irrespective of creed, colour, or nationality, who makes his way to any of the Royal National Mission to Deep Sea Fishermen's hostels and institutes in many of the ports of the British Isles. All forms of social and personal services are provided for fishermen working away from their home ports. In addition, the Mission cares for sick and aged fishermen and their dependants.
Dramatised as a serial in ten parts by Muriel Levy with Rachel Gurney and Carleton Hobbs
Clare Corven , Dinny's sister, has come home from Ceylon, swearing that she will never return to her sadistic husband, Gerry. But he follows her to England and urges her to forget what has happened and go back to him. She refuses. Dinny gets her the job of secretary to Eustace Dornford , the newly elected M.P., for whom she has been canvassing.
Part Three
Production by Robin Midgley and Val Gielgud
Art and Anarchy by Edgar Wind
Professor of the History of Art in the University of Oxford and Fellow of Trinity College 6: Art and the Will
Professor Wind discusses the creative role which the will of the patron has played in the art of the past. He raises the question whether a more active patronage might benefit the art of the present.
Regional Variations (2)
Wedi'r Oedfa: anthology of words and music presented by Sam Jones
Sonata in C minor. Op. 30 No. 2 played by Max Rostal (violin)
Colin Horsley (piano)
Leslie Weatherhead
Minister Emeritus of the City Temple in personal conversation with Anne Sharpley and a consultant psychiatrist
(piano) plays music by Schubert on a gramophone record
The Last Things: Heaven
Genesis 28, vv. 10-17
Psalm 139, vv. 1-9
Revelation 21. vv. 1-12. 21-27
Jerusalem, my happy home (BBC
H.B. 247)
Romans 8, vv. 38 and 39
followed by late weather forecast
Amici String Quartet Lionel Bentley (violin) Sylvia Cleaver (violin)
Harold Harriott ' (viola) Joy Hall (cello)
Quartet in A. Op. 6 No. 6
Quartet in G. Op. 18 No. 2