' Upon the Road'
Talks by the Rev. Jack Withers
1-Choosing the Route
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine including Olympic report direct from Rome
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' Upon the Road '
Talks by the Rev. Jack Withers
2-Fellow Travellers
Repeated on Wednesday at 6.50 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
Regional Variations (2)
Double Chance: records
Second edition including Olympic report direct from Rome
Introduced by Jack de Manio
See Light Programme
Regional Variations (3)
Round-up of events
Signpost from the North-West Midlands*. Interlude
Sea Change
' A Cyclone Under Sail ' by Sir Henry Digby-Beste
' A Dip in the Med.' by Alan Paget
Introduced by Jack Singleton
Gramophone records of some of his orchestral music and concertos, including movements from the Water Music, and the Organ Concerto No. 1 in G minor
Regional Variations (2)
Morning Service: in Welsh
Thy hand, 0 God, has guided (BBC
H.B. 187)
New Every Morning. page 96 Psalm 82 (Broadcast Psalter) St. John 1. vv. 19-28
Hark. the glad sound, the Saviour comes (BBC H.B. 490)
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Philip Todd (tenor)
John Williams (guitar)
William Waterhouse (bassoon)
Barry Tuckwell (horn) Hugh Maguire (violin)
Clifton Helliwell (piano)
Highgate School Boys' Choir
Chorus-Master, Edward Chapman
Produced by John Manduell
An Aluminium Worker
Mark Abrams and Fnank Byers talk to Arthur Cooper , who anneals aluminium sheets in a mill in Birmingham, about his life and work
(Leader, Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
An Aluminium Worker
Arthur Cooper, seen here feeding a sheet of aluminium into an annealing oven, talks about his life and work in the programme at 11.30 this morning
The prima ballerina introduces gramophone records of her favourite ballet music
This week:
Stravinsky's ' Scenes de Ballet' and other ballets
Volume 2
Arranged for broadcasting in twelve episodes by H. Oldfield Box
Produced by Audrey Cameron
Part 10 told how on the morning of November 29, 1917, Mr. Asquith showed his wife the now famous Lansdowne Letter, in which Lord Lansdowne listed the points he thought might make peace talks acceptable to Germany. It also told of the opening of the German Spring Offensive in 1918, and of the series of amazing German successes between March 22 and April 1. At the urgent request of Lord Haig and Lord Milner, the Supreme Command of the Allied Forces was taken over by Marshal Foch. Statements in the House of Commons by Mr. Lloyd George on April 9 satisfied the ignorant but terrified the army; and on May 7, General Frederick
Maurice-the Director of Military Operations-published a letter categorically denying the accuracy of the Prime Minister's statements. Mr. Bonar Law, speaking for the Prime Minister in the House of Commons, suggested there should be an enquiry, but the Government, at the instigation of Mr. Balfour, changed the motion and the enquiry was turned into a vote of censure.
with the Bowman-Hyde Singefi and Players
Directed by Eric Wilson-Hyde
Philomusica of London
Director and ao!o violin
Granville Jones
Charles Spinks
(harpsichord continuo)
Bach and Handel
by Thomas Hardy
A serial in twelve episodes adapted for radio by Frederick Bradnum
Helen Watts (contralto) Edward Rubach (piano) with The London Studio Players
Conducted by Michael Krein
A series of seven programmes in which professional and amateur zoologists talk about the behaviour of animals and the ways in which it can be studied.
In recent years the behaviour of birds has been widely and intensively studied. In this programme speakers describe observations made on a number of common birds, from titmice to geese, and the theories that have been put forward to explain their varied behaviour.
Contributions by: HUGH BOYD of the Wildfowl Trust
J. M. CULLEN of the University of Oxford
The Rev. P. H. T. HARTLEY
Introduced by JOHN CARTHY of Queen Mary College
University of London
(The recorded broadcast of June 15 in Network Three)
A booklist and some suggestions for further study can be obtained by sending a stamped addressed envelope to [address removed]
played by Malcolm Binns
A message of comfort and cheer for all in trouble, sorrow, need, sickness, or any other adversity '
Stuart Hibberd introduces a talk by Barbara Brookwood
Listeners' letters are very welcome as they give real help in planning these talks. Send them to Stuart Hibberd, c/o Silver Lining, Broadcasting House, London, W.1 Listeneri wilt realise that speakers cannot reply personally but will try to deal with their problems in the talks.
Regional Variations (3)
Children. Animals at Home—3
Awr Y Plant
For Younger Listeners
' Once Upon a Time....'
Stories from
' Indian Fairy Tales ' retold by E. Lucia Turnbull
6—' The Hare in the Moon 'told by Claire and ' The Mouse and the Wizard' told by David
5.25 Nature Parliament
Your questions answered by the resident members James Fisher and L. Hugh Newman-and a guest speaker, Maxwell Knight , with Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac) in the chair
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up
News, sport
News. sport
News. sport. News in Welsh
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
6.40 Fred Streeter Advises
A weekly talk to gardeners in the South-East
6.50 Talking Points
Views and comment from town and country
Regional Variations (5)
' It's Only Me ': Variety '
As North
Dylanwadau: Aneirin Talfan questions Saunders Lewis, the writer and dramatist
In the Country
Gramophone records of the distinguished French baritone
Introduced by Felix Aprahamian
Regional Variations (3)
Stop for Music at Rhymney
Edinburgh International Festival. Drama Fringe: introducing plays and players
A new version of the documentary telling the story of Hitler's plan for the invasion of Britain in the summer and autumn of 1940, and of its defeat by the Royal Air Force and the people of Britain
Based on official
British and German sources
Compiled by Chester Wilmot
The parts played by Ronald Adam. Edward Chapman John Counsell , Walter Fitzgerald
Valerie Hanson , Raymond Huntley Richard Hurndall , Anthony Jacobs
Philip Leaver , Preston Lockwood
Eric Lugg , Russell Napier
Harold Scott , Julian Somers
Alan Wheatley , Francis de Wolff
Narrator, Leo Genn
Produced by Laurence Gilliam
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , and Richard Dimbleby ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Produced by C. F. Meehan
A survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
Regional Variations (2)
City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, conducted by Harold Gray : Respighi. Shostakovich
Trio in C minor. Op. 66 played by the Beaux Arts Trio:
Daniel Guilet (violin)
Bernard Greenhouse (cello) Menahem Pressler (piano)
Later this month DUNCAN CARSE is sailing to the island of South Georgia to live by himself for eighteen months amid snow and ice, rock and scree. Escapism? madness? vanity? research?
ANNE SHARPLEY and Brian GROOMBRIDGE want to know why and how and what
Regional Variations (2)
Edinburgh International Film Festival: personalities introduced by Forsyth Hardy
A poetry notebook edited and produced by Patric Dickinson
Reader, Carleton Hobbs
The programme includes poems by Robert Browning and John Maserield
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines: prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
Raymond Holder and Audrey Hayward (piano duet)
Fantasia in F minor (D.940)
Variations in A flat (D.813)