A talk by David -Scott Blackhall
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A breakfast-time magazine bringing you news, views, and interviews
Introduced by Michael Brooke
A talk by David Scott Blackhall
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
See Light Programme
Jeannette Sinclair (soprano)
Martin Isepp (piano)
Ganymed Friihlingsglaube Erster Verlust
Gott im Friihlinge
Der Wanderer an den
Mond Liebesbotschaft
Gramophone records of some of his orchestral music, including the Spanish Caprice
0 come, 0 come, Immanuel (BBC
H.B. 36)
New Every Morning, page 19 Psalm 1 (Broadcast Psalter) Revelation 22, vv. 1-10, 20-21
Jesus, mv Lord. how rich thy grace
(BBC H.B. 379)
George Scott-Wood and his Music
A gallery of portraits in close-up
Ted Braithwaite a West Indian from British Guiana talks about his experiences as a teacher in an East London school which led him to write ' To Sir with Love ' and describes the jobs he has had since.
With the recorded voices of his colleagues, pupils, and friends
Compiled by Wyn Knowles
Produced by Sasha Moorsom
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 15)
asks Flotsam
A record programme for listeners who may or may not have the good memories they think they have
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A sort of radio show with Kenneth Williams, Hugh Paddick, Betty Marsden, Bill Pertwee, Patricia Lancaster
The Fraser Hayes Four and the BBC Variety Orchestra (Leader, John Jezard)
Conductor. Paul Fenoulhet
Eric Merriman and Barry Took wrote the script and Edwin Braden the incidental music
Produced by Jacques Brown
by Margaret Gibbs
Adapted for broadcasting by Peggy Wells
Produced by Peggy Wells
The living-room of the Chantrys' house near London is the setting of this light domestic drama. The family has an ageing father to look after-but he gains his independence.
from Exeter Cathedral
Preces and Responses (
Thomas Tomkins )
Psalms 114 and 115 First Lesson: Isaiah 57, vv. 15-end Magnificat (Armstrong in D minor) Second Lesson: 2 Peter, 1
Nunc dimittis (Armstrong in D minor) Creed; Lesser Litany
The Lord's Prayer (Robert Stone) Versicles and Responses
Anthem: The last and greatest herald (Bullock)
Prayers; the Grace
Organ Voluntary: Chorale Prelude-
Good news from heaven the angels bring (Pachelbel)
Organist and Master of the Choristers,
Lionel Dakers
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally, and a meeting place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
A Christmas Treasure: Elizabeth Muntz tells the story of a little boy and a Christmas crib
Your Christmas Competition: Some ideas you might like to try
Presented by Douglas Smith
Competition entries should consist of not more than 300 words and should be sent to ' Indian Summer,' Broadcasting House, London, W.l, by January 1, 1960. Listeners will understand that contributions cannot be acknowledged individually but a selection will be read in this programme on January 6. *
David Kossoff. reads three
Tales from Grimm
(Wilhelm Grimm d. 1859) freely translated by Wanda Gag
2—' The Musicians of Bremen '
'Good friend,' said the donkey, ' I am bound for Bremen town, and there I plan to become a musician. Why don't you come with me, and take up music too? '
5.15 ' The Flight of the Heron ' by D. K. Broster
Adapted for radio in six parts by Catherine M. Barr with Bryden Murdoch as Ewen Cameron of Ardroy
5—'Your debtor. Ewen Cameron '
Other parts played by Gerard Slevin and Angus Martin
Produced by Kathleen Garscadden
(Martin Heller is in 'Babbity Bowster' at the Citizens' Theatre, Glasgow) and Songtime
The ' College' Singers present a little programme of Lullabies of Scotland
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
' Kinsmen of the King'
Five talks by the Rev. Donald Cairns
4—' The King's Parents'
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A series of five-round contests between London and the Regions
London v. North
Round 4
Denis Brogan , Hubert Phillips
Quiz-Master, Lionel Hale
W. Lyon BIease , Dennis Chapman
Quiz-Master, Gilbert Harding
Programme arranged by Robert Gladwell
See top of column 4
Trio in C minor played by Christian Ferras (violin)
Pau Casals (cello)
Wilhelm Kempff (piano)
(Recording from the Prades Festival, 1959, by courtesy of Radiodiffusion-Télévision Francaise)
London Harpsichord Ensemble:
John Francis (flute) Sarah Francis (oboe) Bernard Davis (viola)
Ambrose Gauntlett (cello)
Millicent Silver (harpsichord)