Canon Wilfrid Garlick
Forecast for land areas
An up-to-the-minute guide for your listening and viewing
See Light Programme
The Lord's Prayer
Talks by the Rev. H. F. Lovell Cocks , D.D.
Principal of the Western College, Bristol
1-' Our Father '
Forecast for land areas
See Light Programme
by Alistair Cooke
Records of his ballet music
Praise to the Holiest (BBC H.B. 88) New Every Morning, page 16 Canticle 3 2 Timothy 3, v. 14, to 4. v. 8
The Church's one foundation (BBC
H.B. 184)
Dance music played by Edmundo Ros and his
Latin-American Orchestra
Produced by Geoffrey Owen
Popular favourites for the older listener sung by John Oxley (tenor) with Ruby Taylor (piano)
Dudley Savage (organ) and a chorus from the Bristol Light Opera Club
(Chorus-Master, Vernon Jones )
Introduced by Dudley Savage and based on requests collected by East Sussex Old People's
Welfare Committee
A reading by Gladys Young in twelve episodes
Arranged for broadcasting by H. Oldfield Box
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A comedy by Nigel Balchin
Produced by Charles Lefeaux
For Children of All Ages
' The House at Pooh Corner ' by A. A. Milne arranged for broadcasting by David Davis with music by H. Fraser-Simson
2-' Tigger has Breakfast '
At 'he piano, Gwenn Knight Production by Claire Chovil
5.30 For Older Children
Now Showing in London
(and playing in Stratford-upon-Avon)
A review by Eric Gillett of some of the new films and plays
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Wilfred Pickles (narrator)
Alfred Orda (baritone)
Moiseiwitsch (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
Russian Music
Joseph Cotten ,
Valli Orson Welles , Trevor Howard
Radio adaptation by Desmond Carrington
Production by Alfred Dunning
played by John Francis (flute)
Maria Korchinska (harp)