' The House on the Rock '
Forecast for land areas
A breakfast-time magazine
Introduced by Jack de Manio
' The House on the Rock ' by the Rev. Donald J. Cairns
5-Its Life
Repeated on Saturday at 6.60 a.m.
Forecast for land areas
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh farming programme
Second edition
Introduced by Jack de Manio
Compiled and read by Louise Davies
Regional Variations (2)
Round-up of events
NEIL GUNN recalls the days of a century ago when the displaced crofters, driven off the land by the clearances, turned to the fishing around the shores of the Moray Firth.
This listing contains language that some may find offensive.
Gramophone records including the Piano Concerto in G
Regional Variations (2)
Morning Service: in Welsh
0 worship the King (BBC H.B. 471) New Every Morning, page 7
Canticle 6. part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) 2 Timothy 2, vv. 1-13
The Son of God his glory hides (BBC
H.B. 68)
Ian Stewart and his Quintet
Alan Lomax looks at folk music
4-East Anglia to the Borders
Fishermen's songs. Norfolk ballads. plough jags, sword dances Northumbrian pipes, and shepherds' songs with Peter Kennedy
Produced by Sasha Moorsom
Regional Variations (4)
As North
Cricket as on Thursday
As North
Sussex v. Essex: last day
Commentary by E. W. Swanton
From the County Ground. Hove
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Ranken Bushby (baritone)
Introduced by Ivan Samson M.C. . Charles Crathorn Produced by Eric Arden
The programme includes: Lilac Waltz; Murine Fourstep; Felice Foxtrot; Saunter Catalina: Chrysanthemum Waltz; Lola Tango: Waverley Twostep; Eva Threestep; La Rinka: Gay Gordons
Regional Variations (3)
As North
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
From BBC sound and television broadcasts Gale Pedrick selects highlights to hear again
Introduced by John Ellison
Edited by Arthur Phillips
A serenade for a summer's day
Reg Owen and his Orchestra
Reub Silver and Marian Day at two pianos
Introduced by Alexander Moyes
Produced by Edward Nasb
Regional Variations (4)
As North
Cricket: further commentary
As North
Sussex v. Essex
Further commentary
by Arnold Bennett
Adapted for radio by Michael Black
4-' Sir Henry Wants a Merger '
Produced by Martyn C. Webster and David H. Godfrey
(' Twenty Questions ' is broadcast by arrangement with Maurice Winnick) ,
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Harry Danks (viola)
For Children of Most Ages
' Swallows and Amazons' by Arthur Ransome read by Derek McCulloch (Uncle Mac)
4—' The Arrow with the Green Feathers '
A story of escape and return from the Old World to the New
5—' Forest and Prairie '
Other parts played by Harold Scott and Geoffrey Wincott
Written by Howard Jones Produced by David Davis
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
News. Round-up of eventa
News, sport. News in Welsh
News. sport
News, sport
Local news and London Stock Market report
6.30 Today's Sport
Regional Variations (2)
Talk by a Welsh M.P.
Bill Latto comments on news and prospects for anglers in south-eastern waters
Some of the events in the South-East during the week ahead
Regional Variations (3)
The Flooded Vale: the Elan Valley-recollections and reflections
James Johnston, tenor: Have-lock Nelson, piano: popular songs
The Summer Show of Shows
In tonight's recording your resident host. Jack Watson welcomes stars of the entertainment world with The Woodmen
Directed by Raymond Woodhead and Alyn Ainsworth and the BBC Northern Dance Orchestra
Produced by Roy Speer
William McAlpine (tenor)
Denis Matthews (piano)
London Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Hugh Maguire )
Conducted by Basil Cameron
Overture: Leonora No. 3
Song with orchestra: Adelaide Symphony No. 1. in C
Piano Concerto No. 4, in G
From the Royal Albert Hall , London
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
with Pearl Hackney , Deryck Guyler
Ruth Porcher , Frederick Treves
Music under the direction of Peter Akister
Script by Eric Barker
Produced by Charles Maxwell
Regional Variations (2)
Gaelic Songs: Hugh Maclnnes, tenor
An anthology of English verse in song
Nine Holy Sonnets of John Donne set to music by Benjamin Britten
Oh my blacke soule Batter my heart
0 might those sighes and teares Oh, to vex me
What if this present
Since she whom I lov'd
At the round earth's imagin'd corners Thou hast made me
Death, be not proud sung by Peter Pears (tenor)
Benjamin Britten (piano)
Regional Variations (2)
News headlines; prayers
followed by late weather forecast for land areas
played by Marjorie Lavers (violin)
Ivey Dickson (piano)