The Ian Stewart Quartet and Jackie Brown at the electric organ
Forecast for land areas
' Christianising our Lives '
Talks by Sir Edward Villiers
5-Dare you accept the challenge?
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Interval music
Ye holy angels bright (S.P. 701. A. and M. 546. C.H. 39, P. and H. 225, all omitting v. 2: Tune, Darwall's 148th)
Interlude: 'The Child Samuel in the Temple'
Prayers: the Prayer for happiness; the Lord's Prayer
Fill thou mv life (S.P. 492: BBC
Supplement 5: A. and M. 705, omitting vv. 5, 6: P. and H. 143: Tune, Richmond)
Noreen Mason (flute)
Marian Attwood (oboe)
Joyce Hedges (piano)
The Jack Emblow Sextet
TIME AND TUNE, by Kay Foster. (BBC recording)
11.40 TALKS FOR SIXTH FORMS. The International Geophysical Year. 5-The Importance of the I.G.Y., by J. G. Porter Ph.D.,
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
given by the BBC Northern Orchestra
(Leader. Reginald Stead )
Conducted by Stanford Robinson
From the Town Hall, Manchester
TRAVEL TALKS. On the Pampas of Argentina. Script by George Pendle .
2.20 THE BIBLE AND LIFE. Everyday Life in the Time of the Prophets. 5-The Invasion from the North. Script by Margaret Boys.
2.40 SENIOR ENGLISH i. ' The Elephants of Sargabal' by Rene Guillot , adapted for broadcasting by Philippa Pearce. Part 2
Light Orchestra
Conductor, David Curry
News Summary at 3.30
,by Anthony Trollope
Adapted for broadcasting by H Oldfield Box
Part 8
Scherzo: Chant sans paroles (Souvenir de Hapsal)
Nocturne and Humoresque, Op. 10 played by Nadia Reisenberg (piano) on gramophone records
A radio correspondence column
5.00 For Younger Listeners
'The Boy with the Green Thumb'
A series of six stories written by Barbara Euphan Todd and told by Eve
3: 'The Maids of all Work'
Sometimes Miss Cobb came to visit Mr. Martin. She was a very nice old lady, and she lived by herself in a bungalow which had a square tangle of weeds in front. When she was younger her garden had been as pretty and tidy as could be, but now it seemed that only magic could put things right.
5.15 For Older Children
Carleton Hobbs and Norman Shelley in 'The Blue Carbuncle'
The third of six Sherlock Holmes stories by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Scene: London at Christmas time in the late 1880s
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
A question and answer programme in which a panel of scientists replies to listeners' questions on science and technology
Guest of the week:
H. O. J. Collier Ph.D. , a pharmacologist
Robert Boyd , Peter Sykes
G. P. Wells
In the chair, Sam Pollock
If you have a question you would like to put to the panel please write it on a postcard and address it to ' Who Knows? ', BBC, Broadcasting House, London, W.I.
A twice-weekly survey of current affairs
Speakers in the studio in London and from regional and overseas centres contribute news and views on the issues of today and tomorrow
Bertram Russell and his wife chose a child of nearly five from a ' home' as companion to a niece who already lived with them; he describes the interesting, sometimes cesperate stages of the child's long journey towards reliance on love and safety
followed by late weather forecast for land areas