Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
and his Miniature Orchestra
' Basic Beliefs'
A series of talks by the Rev. Mervyn Stockwood
Forecast for land areas
The Raeburn Orchestra
Conductor, Wynford Reynolds
(Continued in next column)
Religion and Music
Five illustrated talks by Alec Robertson
I-What is Religious Music?
Elizabeth Boyd (soprano)
David Wolfsthal (violin)
Josephine Lee (piano)
Records of his
Serenade for string orchestra
Praise ye the Lord. ye servants of the Lord (BBC H.B. 280)
New Every Morning, page 58 Psalm 146 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Luke 1, vv. 5-25
Soldiers of the Cross, arise (BBC
H.B. 367)
The Promenade Players
Conductor, Sidney Bowman
with contributions by Bob Arnold and Silvia Beamish
The Granville Singers and Players
Directed by Cecil Woods
Introduced by Ian Stamp
Produced by Travers Thorneloe
Conductor, Captain Ray Allen
on gramophone records
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
The Confrey Phillips Trio
Percy Edwards
William Dickie
Patti Lewis
Arthur English
Presented by Bill Worsley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
by Beatrice Curtis Brown
Getting off for the holidays forty years ago was rather more of a ritual than it is today. Beatrice Curtis Brown recollects some of the peculiarities of family travel then, and also tells the story of another and very unconventional departure.
by George Eliot
Abridged by Terry Gompertz
Read by Gladys Young
The sixth of fifteen instalments
A dramatised account of a child's experiences of exile in Siberia during the years 1910-1912
Script by Stephen Grenfell
Production by Tom Waldron
interviewed by C. R. Hewitt
Mr. Pearson answers questions on the writing of his books and recalls some of his experiences on the stage.
(Leader, Philip Whiteway ) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Claude Cavalotti and his Orchestra
Directed by Max Jaffa
by George Pendle George Pendle , well known as a broadcaster on Latin America, has for many years been concerned with exports; and in this talk he shows that what his customers want is not always what he thinks they want.
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Libretto by Felice Romani
Music by Vincenzo Bellini
Peasants. villagers, etc.
Chorus of La Piccola Scala
(Chorus-Master, Norberto Mola )
Orchestra of La Piccola Scala
(Leader. Enrico Ilinetti )
Producer, Luchino Visconti
Director of production. Nicola Benois From the King's Theatre, Edinburgh The action takes place in Switzerland at the beginning of the nineteenth century
ACT 1, Scene 1
A panel game devised by Tony Shryane and Edward J. Mason
E. Arnot Robertson and Frank Muir challenge
Nancy Spain and Denis Norden
Umpire. Jack Longland
Act 1. Scene 2
Act 2
(piano) on gramophone records
followed by late weather forecast for land areas