Irwell Springs (Bacup) Band
Conductor, Joseph Furness
Forecast for land areas
Directed by Alec Firman
Bible reading and comment on ' The Parable of the Sower ' by Richard Brayshaw
3-The seed that falls upon the rock
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Continental Music
Conducted by Jack Mandel
Isotopes and Medicine
(The recorded broadcast of March 28)
Nona Liddell (violin)
Daphne Ibbott (piano)
Records of some of his instrumental music and songs
All praise to thee, who safe hast kept
(BBC H.B. 401)
New Every Morning, page 64
Psalm 119, part 1 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 23. vv. 1 -11
Lord, while for all mankind we pray
(BBC H.B. 432)
Tommy Kinsman and his Dance Orchestra
See above
app. from Jersey
Band and Trumpeters of the Royal Military School of Music
Conducted by Lt.-Colonel David McBain
on gramophone records
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Reports from Britain and overseas
(Leader, Vera Kantrovitch )
Conductor, Maurice Miles
Gwendolen Mason (harp)
by Edward J. Mason
Production by Victor Menzies
of the Feast of St. James from Manchester Cathedral
Confession Absolution; the Lord's
Versicles and Responses (Smith)
Lord who shall sit beside thee (E.H.
Psalm 119, vv. 1-32
First Lesson. Jeremiah 45
Magnificat (Gibbons fauxbourdon)
Second Lesson: St. Mark 14, vv. 32-42 Nunc dimittis (Gibbons fauxbourdon) Creed; Lesser Litany; Collects
Anthem: Justorum animae (Byrd) Prayers Grace
Organist and Choirmaster:
Allan Wicks
Advice and entertainment for retired people and older people generally and a meeting-place on the air for those concerned for their welfare
Arthritis: The third talk on arthritis by a physician
Trial by Flight: Louise King-Hall describes a flight to Paris in 1921
For Children of Most Ages
' Snow Treasure '
A book by Marie McSwigan made into a serial play in four parts by Eve Howland
2—' The Defence Club Goes into Action '
Produced by Frances Campbell
(A new production of the serial previously broadcast in September 1953)
It is April 1940, and the German Army is invading Norway. In the northern village of Riswyck the older children have formed a Defence Club, with Peter Lundstrum as President, and are ready to carry out a secret and dangerous plan to smuggle gold bullion out of the country to safety.
5.35 'Westward Across the Sahara' by Owen Tweedy
2— 'The river that never gets to the sea
Mr. Tweedy and his two friends are now in French Equatorial Africa. Today he takes us to the Shari, ' the river that never gets to the sea.'
5.50 Children's Hour Prayers
Conducted by the Very Rev. Eryl S. Thomas
Dean of Llandaff
Forecast lor land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Part 1
Talk by the Secretary of State for War
The Rt. Hon. John Hare , M.P.
followed by late weather forecast for land areas