Tommy Pears at the BBC theatre organ
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, Frank Cantell
' Modern Apostles of Unity '
A series of talks by the Rev. Kenneth Slack
6-William Temple
'Unity and a Divided World '
Forecast for land areas
by a doctor
A gramophone miscellany including some of the latest issues
The Problem of Vibration by R. E. D. Bishop of the Department of Engineering
University of Cambridge
Sonata in C, Op. 2 No. 3 played by Ronald Smith (piano)
Third of twelve programmes in which piano sonatas by Beethoven are being played
of recent record releases
The Witty Wanton (Robert Johnson):
The Boyd Neel Orchestra, directed from the harpsichord by Thurston Dart Galliard (William Brade): The Boyd
Neel Orchestra, directed from the harpsichord by Thurston Dart
Flute Concerto in G (C. P. E. Bach):
Jean-Pierre Rampat (flute); L'Ensemble Orchestral de l'Oiseau Lyre, conducted by Louis de Froment
Stand up, and bless the Lord (BBC
H.B. 268)
New Every Morning, page 58
Psalm 119, part 3 (Broadcast Psalter) 1 Corinthians 15, vv. 12-28
Ye holy angels bright (BBC H.B. 286)
Sidney Davey and his Players
with contributions by April Cantelo
Morris Barr
The Granville Singers and Players directed by Cecil Woods
Introduced by Ian Stamp
Produced by Travers Thorneloe
Regional Variations (2)
Forces Favourites: records.
and his Band with Ric Richards and Jo Searle
A gramophone Gaiety Show
Regional Variations (2)
The week in the West.
Swaffham, Norfolk
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Cyril Stapleton directs the BBC Show Band
Graham Stark does his best to misdirect it
David Jacobs introduces
The Stargazers
Harold Smart, Bert Weedon
Dennis Wilson
The Show Band Singers and Terry Burton
Script by Charles Hart
Bernard Botting and Bill Kellie Production by Johnnie Stewart
Regional Variations (2)
Gladys Thompson (soprano); Eric Hinds (baritone); May Mc-Goran (piano)
(Leader, J. Mouland Begbie )
Conductor, Ian Whyte
A comedy for radio by Charles Hatton
Produced by H. B. Fortuin
Regional Variations (3)
Douglas Wyllie (piano).
Rugby League. Commentary on one of today's matches.
See top of page
Regional Variations (2)
Kathleen Frazier (piano).
A digest of current affairs, compiled from programmes on events at home and abroad broadcast during the week
Commentary by George Scott
For Younger Listeners
' Railway Tales by the Rev. W. Awdry told by Charles E. Stidwill
7 —' Toby the Tram Engine '
Toby the Tram Engine liked pulling his coach Henrietta, to whom he is very attached. With Henrietta and some trucks rattling behind him, Toby ran along beside roads and fields with passengers and goods for the main line.
followed by 5.15 For Children of Most Ages
Saturday Excursion
A magazine programme introduced by Margaret Hubble
Wynford Vaughan Thomas introduces recordings made at the Royal Albert Hall earlier this month at the English Folk Dance and Song Society Festival John Snagge reports from the National Boat Show at Olympia.
Brian Johnston looks at some of the exhibits at the Schoolboy's Own Exhibition.
Produced by John Lane
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Regional Variations (7)
Sport. Sports Medley.
Sports Session
The day's sport in South-East England reviewed in results, reports, and summaries
Today's programme includes:
Association Football
Fourth Round F.A. Cup
Tottenham Hotspur v. Chelsea by John Arlott
Millwall v. Newcastle United by Patrick Campbell
Southend United v. Birmingham City by Bill Latto
Newport County v. Arsenal by Dave Roberts
Everton v. West Ham United by Waiter Roche
Blackpool v. Fulham by Don Creedy And a review of other outstanding Cup Ties
Rugby Union
Ireland v. France by H. L. V. Day
A brief report from Durban on the secohd day's play in the Third Test Match between South Africa and England
Introduced by Jacob de Vries
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra
Guest artist,
Sidney Burchell (baritone)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies, Len Head
Producer, Eric Arden
Regional Variations (2)
Sport in North-East England and Cumberland
Charles Fletcher-Cooke , M.P. gives his impressions of what he heard and saw in Parliament
Regional Variations (2)
' Teulu'r Siop ': Welsh serial.
Interesting people who are
In Town Tonight
Edited and produced by Peter Duncan
John Ellison and Pauline Tooth
Cicely Courtneidge and Jack Hulbert and Davy Kaye
Helen Clare
Robert Moreton
Jack Sinipson Ronnie Carroll
Charlie Chester
The Peter Knight Singers
BBC Variety Orchestra
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
Continuity by Eric Merriman
/ Production by Jacques Brown
Regional Variations (3)
Family Prayers.
Paul. the Apostle: a miscellany of words and music.
Evening Prayers conducted by Father Patrick McEnroe with the Choir of St. John's and St. Thomas's Roman Catholic Church,
Wythenshawe, Manchester
late weather forecast for land areas