A reading for Sunday morning from Chapter 1 of Nathaniel Micklem 's book
' The Abyss of Truth '
Reader. Olive Gregg
Forecast for land areas
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Forecast for land areas
Ludwig Koch introduces birds that can be heard singing in the month of February
His talk is illustrated with recordings selected from his collection
Produced by Winwood Reade
by Ivor Keys
From Crypt Chapel. Portland Building
Nottingham University
Regional Variations (5)
Service from St. John's Methodist Church. Colwyn Bay.
Morning Service from the Parish Church of St. John and St. Petroc. Devoran. Cornwall.
Service from Belmont Congregational Church, Aberdeen.
Service from the Chapel of St. Bede's Roman Catholic Grammar School, Bradford. Yorkshire.
A Service on this theme as developed in the Old and New Testaments, from St. Mary the Virgin, Hanley Castle, Worcester-shire; conducted by the Vicar, the Rev. Maurice Dean
Bidding and the Lord's Prayer Psalm 139, vv. 1-11
Readings from Genesis 3. 12. and 33 The God of Abraham (S.P. 389) Address, Part 1
Reading from Hebrews 9
A message came to a maiden (S.P.
Address, Part 2
When Mary brought her treasure
(S.P. 223)
We love the place. 0 God (S.P. 688) Blessing
Organist, Frank Jarratt
Regional Variations (3)
Mary Chandler (oboe): Peter Haysom Craddy (piano).
Dear to My Heart: Speaker. Matilda Talbot.
by Lance Sieveking
6-Sir Edward Marsh
For many years Sir Edward Marsh was Sir Winston Churchill's Private Secretary and it was at the time when Sir Winston was First Lord of the Admiralty during the first world war that Paul Nash introduced Lance Sieveking to ' Eddie Marsh. He is remembered as a friend and patron of young artists and poets, particularly of Rupert Brooke.
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh record requests.
A weekly review edited by Anna Instone and Julian Herbage
Introduced by Julian Herbage
' Beethoven's Septet' by Malcolm Macdonald
' Musical Profile-Michael Rabin ' by John Warrack
' Sight and Sound in Music ' by Hugo Cole
' Classical Piano Duets for All' by John Lade
A request programme of records
Excerpts from La Boheme (Puccini) with Victoria de los Angeles (soprano)
Jussi Bjorling (tenor)
R.C.A. Victor Symphony Orchestra
Conducted by Sir Thomas Beecham , Bt.
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh Diary. Interlude.
A programme for those interested in brushing up their German
I-Frohe Fahrt
Script by Arthur Shepherd
Produced by W. R. H. Carling
Teresa Stevens has just left school, and her father, a barrister, is taking her with him on a holiday to Germany.
Der Fallschirm, parachute; das Flugzeug, plane; das Gepack, luggage; der Gasthof, inn, hotel; ich mochte, I would like; rechts fahren, to drive on the right; einem vorfahren, to drive past someone; der Zollbeamte, Customs official; der (Reise) pass, passport; der Internationale Fuhrerschein, International driving licence; haben Sie etwas zu verzollen? have you anything to declare? zweihundert Zigaretten sind zollfrei, you can bring in two hundred cigarettes duty free; die Grenze ist hundert Kilometer von hier, the frontier is about sixty-two miles from here; die Rechnung, bitte! (zahlen, bitte!), the bill, please.
BBC correspondents throughout the world talk about the news, its background, and the people who make it.
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
J. C. Griffith-Jones introduces some of the people who live there to Hywel Davies. Their conversation has been recorded before an audience of their fellow townsfolk
Regional Variations (3)
Midland Minor.
The West at Westminster.
Recollections of student days in Dresden, presented, with gramophone records, by Mark Lubbock
Regional Variations (5)
As North
Gardeners' Question Time.
The Scottish Garden.
Out in the Garden.
A gardening weekly
Introduced by Roy Hay
Brigadier C. E. Lucas Phillips talks about delphiniums
Jack Matthews deals with flowering crab apples
Fred Streeter outlines the week's work
Michael Rabin (violin)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Norman Del Mar
Regional Variations (2)
A New Year in February: talk by W. Roy Aylott.
Arthur Calder-Marshall
Mr. Calder-Marshall examines bed-sitting-room and party life in contemporary letters, with special reference to Happy as Larry by Thomas Hinde, Switchboard by Roger Longrigg and Look Back in Anger by John Osborne.
Readers: Eeth Boyd
David Garth , Derek Hart
by Horton Foote
Cast in order of speaking:
Scene: A small town in America
Produced by R. D. Smith
Regional Variations (2)
To Scotland from Canada.
by Alistair Cooke
Regional Variations (2)
Children's Hour. Sunday Magazine, including a Service.
For Children of Most Ages
' The Little Plays of St. Francis ' by Laurence Housman
'Brother Sun'
Adapted for radio by Nan Macdonald
Musical Interlude
' Brother Juniper'
Adapted for radio by Herbert Smith
Production by Herbert Smith
Regional Variations (2)
Your Money: ' The Humble Shilling-.'
Those Cost of Living Figures-1 by Edward Leader
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Vilem Tausky
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon ) with Vanessa Lee (soprano)
William Bartlett (flute) and The Linden Singers
Conductor, William Llewellyn invite you to listen to a programme of music for the early evening
Conducted by Philip Hope-Wallace
Theatre: Ivor Brown
Radio: Moura Budberg Book: Margaret Lane Art: Stephen Bone
Film: Edgar Anstey
Regional Variations (6)
Service: Craigy Hill Church Extension, Larne. Co. Antrim
Service from Renfrew Old Parish Church.
Service from Stapleton Road Congregational Church, Bristol.
As West.
As West.
Conducted by the Rev. Douglas Stewart
Jesus, good above all other (BBC H.B.
Act of Worship
Lesson: 1 Kings 17. vv. 8-16
Psalm 86, vv. 1-8 (Broadcast Psalter) Lesson: St. Matthew 6, vv. 24-34 He that is down (BBC H.B. 304) Prayers
God moves in a mysterious way (BBC
H.B. 8)
BBC Singers
Directed by George Thalben-Ball
8.5 Getting and Spending
' Priorities ' R. T. Brooks introduces a dramatised episode and discusses it with the Rev. C. V. Sproxton
Recorded episode devised by Jenifer Wayne produced by Hugh Stewart and played by Geoffrey Matthews. John Richmond and Brenda Dunrich
Regional Variations (7)
Appeal: Cardiganshire T.B. Society, by the Rev. J. Haines Davies.
Appeal: Old People's Welfare in Northern Ireland, by Percy Douglas
Appeal: Browning House, Home for Mothers and Babies, by the Matron.
Appeal: Peterborough Cathedral, by Sir Malcolm Sargent.
Appeal: Scottish Association of Parents of Handicapped Children, by the mother of a mentally handicapped child.
Appeal: St. Christopher's School for Handicapped Children, Bristol, by John Ellison.
Appeal on behalf of Beauchamp Lodge Settlement, by Sir Stanley Rous , C.B.E., J.P.
Contributions will be gratefully acknowledged and should be addressed to Sir Stanley Rous, [address removed]
Beauchamp Lodge is a residential Settlement in the London Borough of Paddington. It is a family centre, and serves an area that is poor and badly housed.
A large part of the work is the provision of social and recreational facilities for a considerable number of children and young people. In addition, the Settlement is a training centre for students from social science departments and the administrative headquarters of the Paddington Council of Social Service.
by Sir Walter Scott
Adapted as a serial for broadcasting by John Keir Cross
6 — ' The Mark of the Devil'
Produced by James Crampsey
The dash between the rival fisher factions of Solway-side has now boiled up into violent action, and young Darsie Latimer finds himself in the very heart of it, by the side of the peace-loving Quaker Joshua Geddes and that of his less pacific friend' John Davies. Also mysteriously involved in this conflict is the Laird of the Solwav Lochs who again delivers Darsie from danger of death, this time at the hands of the murderous Cristal Nixon.
Tied up in it all too, by their various interests, are Alan Fairford. Peter Peebles, Wandering Willie and his companion Maggie, even the Girl in the Green Mantle.
The Laird has at last begun to show something of his hand in it all. ' know you,' he says to Latimer. ' And you and I are side by side, boy, in something grand and splendid that concerns not only our own little destinies but the destiny of the whole nation! '
An enquiry for the record by D. G. Bridson
2-What the Scrolls Contain
This is the second of three programmes telling the story of the discovery and significance of the Scrolls that are still being discovered in the caves above the Dead Sea. It includes translations of key and controversial passages from the texts, and ex plains why they are so important to our true understanding of the history and religious beliefs of Judaism and Early Christianity.
The Great Service
Kyrie Creed
Magnificat; Nunc dimittis sung by the BBC Northern Singers
Conductor, Gordon Thorne
Introduced by Alec Robertson
Regional Variations (2)
News from the Churches: magazine. Followed by Prayers.
Antony Hopkins
In this series of weekly programmes Antony Hopkins usually discusses a work to be broadcast during the week; sometimes he goes further afield in his choice of topic.
' Be ye therefore perfect'
Exodus 20, vv. 1-17
Psalm 1 (Broadcast Psalter) St. Matthew 5. vv. 21-48
Believe not those who say (BBC H.B.
1 Peter 5, vv. 10-11
followed by late weather forecast for land areas