Rushden Temperance Band
Conductor, William A. Scholes
Forecast for land areaa
and his Ballroom Orchestra
' Modern Apostles of Unity '
A series of talks by the Rev. Kenneth Slack
3-Charles Brent
' Unity and the Church's Faith '
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news to guide the household shopper
Compiled by Louise Davies
Troise and his Continental Music
Talk by Len Ortzen
In this talk Len Ortzen , who lives in Normandy, describes a drive through the countryside with Bertrand, the local butcher, and the informal way in which cattle and pigs are bought and sold in that part of France.
STORES FROM WORLD HISTORY. Rome: Six Brothers and a Sister (The Horatii and Curiatii). Script by Garry Lyle.
Father" most holy (BBC H.B. 167) New Every Morning, page 50 Canticle 2 (Broadcast Psalter)
1 Corinthians 12, v. 27, to 13, v. 13 Teach me, 0 Lord (BBC H.B. 473)
Bill Savill and his Orchestra
With records by artists popular both here and on the Continent
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East Region
lets JOIN in. The Seven Brothers in the Well ': a French nonsense tale
2.20 adventures IN MUSIC. Les Sylphides ': an illustrated talk by Peggy van Praagh.
2.40 HISTORY 11. ' The Tolpuddle Martyrs.' Script by Joan Eley
A radio play by Aileen Mills from a short story by George Manning-Saunders
Other parts played by Sheila Allen. Yvonne Bonnamy and Denis Raymond
An original play for radio by John Whale
Plays produced by Patrick Dromgoole
from Bath Abbey
Sentences; Exhortation; Confession;
Absolution; the Lord's Prayer
Versicles and Responses Psalms 114 and 115 First Lesson: Zephaniah 2 Magnificat (Stanford in A)
Second Lesson : 1 Corinthians 3
Nunc dimittis (Stanford in A)
Creed ; Versicles and Responses;
Anthem: 0 thou. the central orb
(Charles Wood)
Prayers; the Grace
Organ Voluntary: Overture to Athalia'
(Handel, arr. Francis)
Organist and Master of the Choristers.
Ernest Maynard.
' The Goat Pablito'
Serial story for younger children by John D. Stewart read by Cicely
3—' Pablito in Trouble'
5.10 For Older Children
' The Mystine Mutation' by Marjorie Wynn-Williams in six episodes
3-' According to Theory '
Production by Lorraine Davies
Professor Mallory and his companions find themselves involved in a series of strange events at the University. Lee Cantrill, a young research student, is missing. Having accidentally discovered Cantrill's research notebook, they learn that he has isolated a strange new drug which he called ' Mystine.'
5.50 Children's Hour prayers
Conducted by the Rev. William Evans (Wil Ifan)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
The Industrial Revolution
Reconsidered by Asa Briggs
Professor of Modern History in the University of Leeds
Our modern, mechanised, urban society has its roots in the Industrial Revolution of the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. In this series of six programmes Professor Briggs reviews our ideas of the Industrial Revolution in the light of modern research and contemporary issues. In each broadcast he introduces a specialist on some aspect of the subject.
3-Workshop and Farm
Professor Briggs discusses with 0. R. McGregor, Lecturer in Sociology at
Bedford College, London, whether there was an agrarian revolution ' side by side with the industrial revolution. Was there enough food for the new, growing, working population? Did this urban population itself come from the farms? How was Britain's import trade affected?
Part 1
John Amis writes on page 4
followed by late weather forecast for lard areas