Park and Dare Workmen's Band
Conductor, Harry Nuttall
Forecast for land areas
and his Ballroom Orchestra
' Things New and Old '
Talks by John Marsh , D.Phil.
Forecast for land areas
A bulletin of food news
Compiled by Louise Davies
BBC Concert Orchestra
(Leader, William Armon )
Conductor, Vilem Tausky
by Diana Graves
It was at the age of five, when she was inadvertently left behind in a snowstorm on the Brenner Pass, that Diana Graves first became aware of the hazards of foreign travel. Since then she has spent most of her life travelling abroad and by some mischance there has not been the smallest improvement in her circumstances.
Noreen Mason (flute)
Marion Attwood (oboe)
Joyce Hedges (piano)
Records of his Fantaisie for piano and orchestra
Hail to the Lord's Anointed (BBC
H.B. 457)
New Every Morning, page 37
Carol: Good Christian men rejoice 1 John 3, vv. 13-24
Jesu. thou joy of loving hearts (BBC
H.B. 323)
Jack White and his Band
and his Orchestra
Three eye-witness accounts of famous battlefields
2-Bull Run, 1861
Taken from ' My Civil War Diary' by William Howard Russell
Reader, Howard Marion-Crawford
At the opening of the Civil War, William Howard Russell was in the United States as correspondent for The Times. Returning to Washington, he heard rumours of fighting south of the city and rode out to investigate. The fighting turned out to be the first Battle of Bull Run, and the despatch he wrote on this occasion earned him for the rest of his life the title of ' Bull Run ' Russell.
with records by artists popular both here and on the Continent
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
London v. North Region
(Leader. Philip Whiteway) Conductor, Rae Jenkins
Beryl Kimber (violin)
from Birmingham Cathedral Versicles and Responses (Byrd)
Psalms 12, 13, 14
First Lesson: Isaiah 63, vv. 7-end Magnificat (Noble in B minor)
Second Lesson: 1 Thessalonians 1 Nunc dimittis (Noble in B minor) Creed. Suffrages, Collects
Anthem: 0 mortal man, remember that thy Lord came down to earth to raise thy soul on high (Weelkes)
Prayers and blessing
Organist, Willis Grant
Assistant Organist, Raymond Isaacson
An inter-regional general knowledge contest concocted by Geoffrey conducted by David and cheerfully contested by competitors in all seven regions
5.50 Children's Hour prayers conducted by the Rev. William Evans
(Wil Ifan)
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Margaret Kitchin (piano)
BBC Symphony Orchestra
(Leader, Paul Beard )
Conducted by Nicolai Malko
Fricker's Piano Concerto is dedicated to Harriet Cohen, at whose suggestion it was written; and it was she who played it for the first time, in the year of its completion, 1954. Recently the composer has revised it, and tonight we shall hear the first performance of the new version. The orchestra is a comparatively small one, consisting of double woodwind, two trumpets, two horns, timpani, and strings. The work is in three movements. Deryck Cooke
by Francis Watson and Maurice Brown
A picture of the Mahatma's visit to England in 1931 for the Round Table Conference, drawn from the recorded memories of those who knew him or worked with him at the time
Edited and narrated by Francis Watson
The recorded voices of those taking part include:
The Earl of Halifax
Viscount Templewood
Lord Pethick-Lawrence Gilbert Murray , H. N. Brailsford
Verrier Elwin , Glorney Bolton
Horace Alexander. C. H. Haworth Muriel Lester. Martha Rutherston
Mrs. Barton. Albert Docker
Clare Sheridan , Miraben (Miss Slade)
Sir Mirza Ismail. Apa Pant
M. R. Jayakar. B. R. Ambedkar
DrAshraf, Raja Hutheesingh
G. D. Birla. B. Prem
Pyarelal Nayar. and Kaka Kalelkar
Production by Maurice Brown
by J. G. Porter , Ph.D., F.R.A.S.
This month Dr. Porter talks about the great number of double stars and their bewildering variety which still give the astronomer many puzzles to solve.
followed by late weather forecast for land areas