George Scott-Wood and his Accordion Band
Forecast for land areas
(Leader, Jack Nugent )
Conducted by Arthur Anton
A talk by the Bishop of Stepney
Forecast for land areas
BBC Midland Light Orchestra
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
South Atlantic
Recordings of life on a small deserted island
Script by John Heaney and Martin Holdgate
Narrated by Martin Holdgate
This small island, about eight miles long and four miles broad, with mountains rising to 3,000 feet, lies between the Cape of Good Hope and Cape Horn. It is inhabited only by birds, seals, and mice. (The recorded broadcast of July 8 in the Light Programme)
Manuel Frankell (piano)
Alec Whittaker (oboe)
George Miles (piano)
Records of his Symphony No. 44, in E minor
0 love, how deep. how broad, how high (BBC H.B. 73)
New Every Morning, page 11 Psalm 116 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 20, vv. 28-38
0 for a faith that 'will not shrink
(BBC H.B. 310)
Jack Salisbury and his Salon Orchestra
' The Mill on the Floss' by George Eliot
Adapted by Silvia Goodall
4— ' Mr. Tulliver's Downfall'
and his Band with Dick James and Beryl Wayne
by H. Rider Haggard
(to be read in twenty instalments)
Abridged by Jocelyn Bradford
Read by Derek Birch
4-' A Slaughter Grim and Great'
from the canteen of a factory in Manchester
Robert Moreton, Lita Roza, Jeffrey Lenner, Jerry Allen and his Trio
The Harry Hayward Trio
Introduced by Randal Herley
Produced by James Casey
Forecast for land areas. followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Harry Davidson 's Orchestra and his Folk Dance Band
Guest artist,
Nancy Thomas (contralto)
Introduced by Ivan Samson
Master of Ceremonies, Arthur Ives
Caller, Jack Hamilton
Producer, Stanton Jefferies
(Leader, James Hutcheon )
Conducted by Leo Wurmser
Jurgen Hess (violin)
The stage play by Val Gielgud
Adapted for broadcasting by Cynthia Pughe
Production by Val Gieigud
For Listeners of All Ages
* Tinker and Tapp Inc.*
A general ' knock-up ' with Fred Fairclough on the one side, and Herbert Smith on the other, and Doris Gambell and David Sease in the middle
Script by Muriel Levy
Incidental music written by Ray Martin and played by a section of the BBC Northern Variety Orchestra
Produced by Trevor Hill
5.15 'Adventure Underground * by Susan Jolly
Produced by Herbert Smith
The Garth family turn a near tragedy into an exciting adventure among the potholes, caverns, and underground rivers of the Yorkshire dales.
Forecast for land areas followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
Gentlemen v. Players
Second day
Further commentary by E. W. Swanton
From Lord's
Heather Harper (soprano)
The Goldsbrough Orchestra
(Leader, Emanuel Hurwitz )
Conductor, Arnold Goldsbrough
Before an invited audience in the Concert Hall, Broadcasting House. Tickets may be obtained from Ticket Unit, Broadcasting House, London.
Being intimations by various speakers of inglorious clouds they trailed in their infancy and adolescence
2-Not Rising to the Occasion by Elizabeth Bowen
During her childhood and adolescence, Elizabeth Bowen confesses, she was constantly agonised by fearing on the one hand, that she would not rise to the occasion at all, or that if she did, she would commit the awful crime of Showing Off.
From the Corn Exchange,
Ashford, Kent
Anona Winn , Joy Adamson
Jack Train , and Kenneth Home ask all the questions and Gilbert Harding knows some of the answers
Presented by C. F. Meehan
followed by late weather forecast for land areas