Gramophone records
Forecast for land areas
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
A talk by the Bishop of Stepney
Forecast for land areas
Harold Collins and his Orchestra
by Alistair Cooke
Elizabeth Simon (soprano)
Desmond Bradley (violin)
Josephine Lee (piano)
Records of some of his piano music and a song
0 come. let us sing to the Lord (BBC
H.B. 465)
New Every Morning, page 1 Psalm 99 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 19, vv. 23-41
All my hope on God is founded (BBC
H.B. 299)
Fredric Cooper and his Tipica Orchestra
' The Mill on the Floss ' by George Eliot
Adapted for broadcasting by Silvia Goodall
1—' Dorlcote Mill '
by H. Rider Haggard
(to be read in twenty instalments) Abridged by Jocelyn Bradford
Read by Derek Birch
1 — 'On Trek Again '
sung by the Norman Luboff Choir on gramophone records
Fourth day
Commentaries by Rex Alston, John Arlott, and Michael Charlton, with summaries by Norman Yardley
From Headingley, Leeds
BBC Variety Orchestra
(Leader, John Jezard )
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet with Lou Campara and his
Belltones Gordon Turner , Margaret Bond
Peter Cavanagh , David Hughes
Presented by Bill Worsley
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
by A. E. Matthews
During his long life on the stage Mr. Matthews has acted with many great theatrical figures: Ellen and Marion Terry , Charles Hawtrey , John Hare , and Charles Wyndham. When Peggy Bran-ford went to see him at his home in Hertfordshire he recalled those early days and talked of some of the famous people he has met-among them Lord Roberts and Sir Henry Irving.
and The Keynotes on gramophone records
Further commentary
See top of page
Records by Jack Pleis , his piano. orchestra, and chorus of tunes from some famous musical plays originally staged on Broadway
Further commentary
with The Voices of Strings and Beryl Hatt (soprano)
12-Kitchener of Khartoum by Sir Ronald Storrs
' The truth of this rugged, intuitive Empire builder was so much stronger than the popular image.' Sir Ronald Storrs served Lord Kitchener as Oriental Secretary in Egypt, 1911-14, and draws on his memory of this friendship for a compelling portrait.
(First broadcast on March 30, 1952)
For Children of Most Ages
'Alice's Adventures in Wonderland' by Lewis Carroll
(arranged as a dialogue story)
3—' Pig and Pepper '
Production by Fenella Scott
After nibbling her magical mushroom Alice managed to bring herself back to her usual height. She was just beginning to enjoy this when she noticed a little house at her feet, only about four feet high. So she ate a little more mushroom and brought herself down to nine inches, hoping that in the house she would find someone to tell her the way into the beautiful garden.....
5.30 For Listeners of Most Ages
• Play Up! '
A magazine programme of sports and games introducing
New Guinea Pigs
Sports Headquarters
' Why not take up ... ? '
A young sports personality and a celebrity
Introduced by Peter Cranmer
Produced by Graham Gauld
5.50 The week's programmes
Forecast for land areas, followed by a detailed forecast for the South-East region
and chooses some of his favourite records of harp music
by Bernard Shaw
Part 3: The Thing Happens '
Part 4:
'Tragedy of an Elderly Gentleman'
followed by late weather forecast for land areas