on gramophone records
Conductor, Paul Fenoulhet
A Hymn for Holy Week
Talk by Canon Bryan Green
1-"There is a green hill"
Raymond Agoult and his Orchestra
Ann Dowdall (scprano)
Martin Lovett (cello)
Clifton He!liwell (piano)
A daily Meditation on the life of our Lord. by tht Rev W.A.L. Elmslle. D.D.
1- God was In Christ
Bernard Monshin
,and his Rio Tango Band
What is a Crime t
(The recorded broadcast to
Schools of March 2)
by Denys Roberts
Abridged by jocelyn Bradford
Read bv Ivan Samson
1-Colin Is called to tht Bar
(The recorded broadcast of March 1)
Conductor. Rae Jenkins
Eli Goren (violin)
Michael Dobson oboe)
Talk by P Kingdon-Ward 0 B.B.
Written and compiled by Leslie Baily
Including the voices of: His Majesty King George VI, Mr Winston Churchill, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, President Benes, Field-Marshal Montgomery, General Sir William Slim, Group Captain Leonard Cheshire, V.C.
(The recorded broadcast of Dec. 29)
Talk by the Chief Rabbi
"The Adventures of Pinocchlo"
5-"The Land of Cockagne"
(The recorded broadcast of Nov. 9 In the Light)
and nenis Goodwin are
STARSTRUCK again by Michael Denison and Dulcie Gray
Cyril Fletcher , Betty Astell ,
Sheila Buxton
Oeraldo and his Orchestra
Repeated on Wednesday at 1.30
(Michael Denlson and Dulcie Gray are appearing In "Love Affair" at the Pavilion Theatre,