Gerald Shaw at the BBC theatre organ
and forecast for farmers and shipping
(Leader. Philip Whiteway )
Conducted by Arwel Hughes
' Great names in the Early Church'
Bible reading from the Acts of the Apostles and comment by the Rev. Richard Tatlock
and forecast for farmers and shipping
Anton and his Orchestra
Forty-eight Preludes and Fugues
(Book 1) played by Trevor Fisher (piano)
No. 19 in A; No. 20 in A minor; No. 13 in F sharp; No. 23 in B; No. 24 in B minor
The last of a series of four weekly recitals including the whole of Book 1 of Das wohltemperirte Clavier
The Food We Eat by Ernest Baldwin, Ph.D. Professor of Biochemistry, University College, London
3—' Rats and Rations '
Records of Chausson's Poeme for violin and orchestra, and of the last movement of his Symphony
The God of Abraham praise (BBC
Hymn Book 283)
New Every Morning, page 4 Psalm 96 (Broadcast Psalter) Acts 28, vv. 16-31
The Lord is King! Lift up thy voice
(BBC Hymn Book 26)
Michael Freedman and his Orchestra
and his Orchestra with Jean Campbell and Franklyn Boyd
The informal story of radio entertainment as related by artists and others who have had a hand in making it
Chapter One
Peter Eton and Spike Milligan
Pat Kirkwood
Billy Mayerl
James McKechnie
Narrator:Rex Palmer
Written by Gale Pedrick
Produced by Alfred Dunning
(A shortened version of the recorded broadcast of July 3 in the Light Programme)
Regional Variations (2)
Cricket: Gloucestershire v. Somerset.
Escorted by John Cazabon , Alan Keith
The Londonaires
The Nicholodeons
Augmented BBC Revue Orchestra
Conductor, Harry Rabinowitz
Script by Sid Colin
Eddie Maguire. and Ronald Wolfe
Produced by Charles Maxwell
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Songs and melodies from the world of films, compiled and introduced by Gordon Gow
Including music from ' An Alligator Named Daisy ' and ' Man of the Moment ' (J. Arthur Rank Organisation) ; French Can Can' (Miracle Films): Bambi,' 'Alice in Wonder-land.' and ' Peter Pan ' (Walt Disney -R.K.O.)
Produced by Trafford Whitelock
Lunchtime scoreboard
Ferodo Works Band
Conductor, George Hespe
by Sidney Nelson and Maurice Harrison
Cast in order of speaking:
Production by Audrey Cameron
Regional Variations (4)
Tennis. Finals of the Slazenger Professional Tournament.
Cricket. Ulster Senior Cup Final: Lisburn v. Waringstown
Cricket: Gloucestershire v. Somerset.
(Leader, J. Mouland BegLie )
Conducted by Edgar Curtis
Regional Variations (2)
Saturday Magazine.
and his Orchestra
Regional Variations (3)
Children's Hour. Scottish dance music. Story. Young artists. Talk. Songs.
Children. Talk. Snapshot competition. Barn Dance.
For Younger Listeners
'Cowleaze Farm' by Ralph Whitlock
' The Moth Hunters '
Produced by Mollie Austin
5.25 For Older Children
First Attempts
Barbara Sleigh introduces young artists making their first broadcast
Margaret Copestake (piano)
Christina Smallman (soprano)
Julie Cooper (oboe)
Margaret Koch (piano)
Basil Isley (boy soprano) and 'Jenny Lawrence 's Competition Story ' by June Foulkes
Read by Gillian Andrews
Accompanist, Charles Smart
Shipping and general weather forecasts, followed by a detailed forecast for South-East England
Regional Variations (5)
News. Sportsreel.
Regional Variations (3)
News in Welsh. News.
Sport in the West.
Harry Davidson and his Orchestra with Lucille Graham
Introduced by Frederick Allen
Master of Ceremonies,
Charles Crathorn
Producer, Stanton Jefferies
Lena Jeger , M.P. gives her impressions of what she heard and saw in Parliament
Regional Variations (2)
Welsh programme on the National Eisteddfod.
Interesting people who are
In Town Tonight interviewed by Audrey Russell
Edited and produced by Peter Duncan
(Summer season) presenting
Eve Boswell
Ossie Morris
Frank Weir
Inia Te Wiata
Bill Maynard
The Ken-Tones
The Peter Knight Singers
Ron Goodwin and his Concert Orchestra
(Leader, Ralph Elman )
Produced by John Simmonds
(Bill Maynard is appearing at the Windmill Theatre; The Ken-Tones in Variety at the Empire Theatre, Finsbury Park, London)
A play for broadcasting by Frank Hauser
Adapted from the novel by Carl Randau and Leane Zugsmith
Cast in order of speaking:
Produced by Archie Campbell
Regional Variations (2)
Evening Prayers.
Meditation and prayers for the close of the day led by J. Stanley Pritchard
followed by late weather forecast for land areas